smart_ptr.adoc 1.7 KB

  1. ////
  2. Copyright 2017 Peter Dimov
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  5. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
  6. ////
  7. # Boost.SmartPtr: The Smart Pointer Library
  8. Greg Colvin, Beman Dawes, Peter Dimov, Glen Fernandes
  9. :toc: left
  10. :toclevels: 2
  11. :idprefix:
  12. :listing-caption: Code Example
  13. :docinfo: private-footer
  14. :leveloffset: +1
  15. include::smart_ptr/introduction.adoc[]
  16. include::smart_ptr/changelog.adoc[]
  17. include::smart_ptr/scoped_ptr.adoc[]
  18. include::smart_ptr/scoped_array.adoc[]
  19. include::smart_ptr/shared_ptr.adoc[]
  20. include::smart_ptr/weak_ptr.adoc[]
  21. include::smart_ptr/make_shared.adoc[]
  22. include::smart_ptr/enable_shared_from_this.adoc[]
  23. include::smart_ptr/enable_shared_from.adoc[]
  24. include::smart_ptr/make_unique.adoc[]
  25. include::smart_ptr/allocate_unique.adoc[]
  26. include::smart_ptr/intrusive_ptr.adoc[]
  27. include::smart_ptr/intrusive_ref_counter.adoc[]
  28. include::smart_ptr/local_shared_ptr.adoc[]
  29. include::smart_ptr/make_local_shared.adoc[]
  30. include::smart_ptr/pointer_cast.adoc[]
  31. include::smart_ptr/pointer_to_other.adoc[]
  32. include::smart_ptr/atomic_shared_ptr.adoc[]
  33. // appendix
  34. include::smart_ptr/techniques.adoc[]
  35. // appendix
  36. include::smart_ptr/history.adoc[]
  37. // appendix, deprecated
  38. include::smart_ptr/shared_array.adoc[]
  39. :leveloffset: -1
  40. [[copyright]]
  41. [appendix]
  42. ## Copyright and License
  43. This documentation is
  44. * Copyright 1999 Greg Colvin
  45. * Copyright 1999 Beman Dawes
  46. * Copyright 2002 Darin Adler
  47. * Copyright 2003-2017 Peter Dimov
  48. * Copyright 2005, 2006 Ion Gaztañaga
  49. * Copyright 2008 Frank Mori Hess
  50. * Copyright 2012-2017 Glen Fernandes
  51. * Copyright 2013 Andrey Semashev
  52. and is distributed under the http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt[Boost Software License, Version 1.0].