report_format.qbk 3.0 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2003 Boost.Test contributors
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. /]
  7. [section Report formats][#ref_report_formats]
  8. [section:report_human_readable_format Human readable report format]
  9. The human readable report format is designed to produce the most human friendly description of the
  10. results of a test module testing. This is a default format generated by test modules.
  11. Depending on the framework's report level the output looks like this:
  12. [table
  13. [ [Level]
  14. [Output]
  15. ]
  16. [ [no report]
  17. [On this level the framework does not produce result report at all. It make sense
  18. to use this level for test modules running unattended (as part of some automated regression
  19. testing system, for example)
  20. ]
  21. ]
  22. [ [Confirmation]
  23. [
  24. [variablelist
  25. [[Passing test] [\*** No errors detected]]
  26. [[Skipped test] [\*** The test suite <name> was skipped; see standard output for details]]
  27. [[Aborted test] [\*** The test suite <name> was aborted; see standard output for details]]
  28. [[Failed test without failed assertions] [\*** Errors were detected in the test suite <name>; see standard output for details]]
  29. [[Failed test] [\*** N failures are detected in test suite <name>]]
  30. [[Failed test with some failures expected] [\*** N failures are detected (M failures are expected) in test suite <name>]]
  31. ]
  32. ]
  33. ]
  34. [ [Detailed]
  35. [On this level we report result for each test units hierarchically (each test unit is reported as part of parent test unit
  36. report. Test cases are reported like this:
  37. [pre
  38. Test case/suite <name> has passed/was skipped/was aborted/has failed/ with:
  39. N assertions out of M passed
  40. N assertions out of M failed
  41. N warnings out of M failed
  42. X failures expected
  43. ]
  44. Only relevant lines will appear. If test case does not have failing assertions corresponding line in the report is not shown.
  45. Test suite in addition to above lines also report these:
  46. [pre
  47. N test cases out of M passed
  48. N test cases out of M passed with warnings
  49. N test cases out of M failed
  50. N test cases out of M skipped
  51. N test cases out of M aborted
  52. ]
  53. And similarly to above lines only relevant ones will appear in output.
  54. ]
  55. ]
  56. [ [Short]
  57. [Short report format is similar to detailed, but only reports information for master test suite]
  58. ]
  59. ]
  60. [endsect] [/ human readable report]
  61. [/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
  62. [section:report_xml_format XML based report output format]
  63. This report format is designed for automated test results processing. The result report output XML schema
  64. depends on the report level.
  65. [/TODO: Fix this section]
  66. [endsect]
  67. [endsect] [/section:log_xml_format ]