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  12. <div class="titlepage"><div><div><h1 style="clear: both">Motivation</h1></div></div></div>
  13. <p>This section describes techniques currently used to report and handle failures
  14. in functions, it also shows why these techniques might be insufficient.</p>
  15. <p>If you just want to learn how to use Outcome library go straight to <a href="./tutorial.html">Tutorial
  16. section</a>.</p>
  17. <div class="notices note" style="background: url('images/note.png') top left no-repeat padding-box padding-box;">
  18. <div class="notices heading">note</div>
  19. <div class="notices message"><p>Motivation section of this documentation is not complete yet.</p>
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  22. <ol class="children children-li"><li>
  23. <a href="./motivation/exceptions.html" >Exceptions</a>
  24. <p>Exceptions with their good and bad sides.</p><li>
  25. <a href="./motivation/errno.html" >errno</a>
  26. <p>errno with their good and bad sides.</p><li>
  27. <a href="./motivation/error_codes.html" >Error codes</a>
  28. <p>Error codes with their good and bad sides.</p><li>
  29. <a href="./motivation/std_error_code.html" >std::error_code</a>
  30. <p>Overview of std::error_code</p><li>
  31. <a href="./motivation/plug_error_code.html" >Plugging a library into std::error_code`</a>
  32. <p>Illustrates how you can hook into the <code>std::error_code</code> system from the Standard Library in order to work with your own set of error codes.</p><li>
  33. <a href="./motivation/plug_error_code2.html" >Plugging a library into boost::system::error_code</a>
  34. <p>Illustrates how you can hook into the <code>boost::system::error_code</code> system from Boost in order to work with your own set of error codes.</p><li>
  35. <a href="./motivation/narrow_contract.html" >Narrow contracts</a>
  36. <p>Describes narrow-contract functions that do not work for all input values, and advantage of using them.</p></li></ol>
  37. </div><p><small>Last revised: June 27, 2019 at 16:00:40 &#43;0100</small></p>
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