to_python_indirect.qbk 2.7 KB

  1. [section boost/python/to_python_indirect.hpp]
  2. [section Introduction]
  3. <boost/python/to_python_indirect.hpp> supplies a way to construct new Python objects that hold wrapped C++ class instances via a pointer or smart pointer.
  4. [endsect]
  5. [section Class `to_python_indirect`]
  6. Class template `to_python_indirect` converts objects of its first argument type to python as extension class instances, using the ownership policy provided by its 2nd argument.
  7. [table
  8. [[Parameter][Requirements][Description]]
  9. [[T][Either `U cv&` (where cv is any optional cv-qualification) or a [link concepts.dereferenceable Dereferenceable] type such that `*x` is convertible to `U const&`, where `U` is a class type. ][`A` type deferencing a C++ class exposed to Python using class template [link high_level_components.boost_python_class_hpp.class_template_class_t_bases_hel `class_`]. ]]
  10. [[MakeHolder][`h = MakeHolder::execute(p);` ][A class whose static `execute()` creates an `instance_holder`. ]]
  11. ]
  12. Instantiations of to_python_indirect are models of [link concepts.resultconverter `ResultConverter`].
  13. ``
  14. namespace boost { namespace python
  15. {
  16. template <class T, class MakeHolder>
  17. struct to_python_indirect
  18. {
  19. static bool convertible();
  20. PyObject* operator()(T ptr_or_reference) const;
  21. private:
  22. static PyTypeObject* type();
  23. };
  24. }}
  25. ``
  26. [endsect]
  27. [section Class `to_python_indirect` observers]
  28. ``PyObject* operator()(T x) const;``
  29. [variablelist
  30. [[Requires][`x` refers to an object (if it is a pointer type, it is non-null). `convertible() == true`.]]
  31. [[Effects][Creates an appropriately-typed Boost.Python extension class instance, uses MakeHolder to create an instance_holder from x, installs the instance_holder in the new extension class instance, and returns a pointer to it.]]
  32. ]
  33. [endsect]
  34. [section Class `to_python_indirect` statics]
  35. ``bool convertible()``
  36. [variablelist
  37. [[Effects][Returns true iff any module has registered a Python type corresponding to U. ]]
  38. ]
  39. [endsect]
  40. [endsect]
  41. [section Example]
  42. This example replicates the functionality of [link function_invocation_and_creation.models_of_resultconvertergenerat.boost_python_reference_existing_.class_reference_existing_object `reference_existing_object`], but without some of the compile-time error checking.
  43. ``
  44. struct make_reference_holder
  45. {
  46. typedef boost::python::objects::instance_holder* result_type;
  47. template <class T>
  48. static result_type execute(T* p)
  49. {
  50. return new boost::python::objects::pointer_holder<T*, T>(p);
  51. }
  52. };
  53. struct reference_existing_object
  54. {
  55. // metafunction returning the ResultConverter
  56. template <class T>
  57. struct apply
  58. {
  59. typedef boost::python::to_python_indirect<T,make_reference_holder> type;
  60. };
  61. };
  62. ``
  63. [endsect]
  64. [endsect]