Jamfile.v2 6.7 KB

  1. # Copyright 2003 Jens Maurer
  2. # Copyright 2009-2011 Steven Watanabe
  3. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompany-
  4. # ing file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  5. # Boost Random Library test Jamfile
  6. # bring in rules for testing
  7. import testing ;
  8. project /boost/random/test : requirements <toolset>msvc:<define>_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS ;
  9. run test_const_mod.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  10. run test_generate_canonical.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  11. run test_random_number_generator.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  12. run ../example/random_demo.cpp ;
  13. run test_random_device.cpp /boost//random : : : <link>static : test_random_device ;
  14. run test_random_device.cpp /boost//random : : : <link>shared : test_random_device_dll ;
  15. run test_minstd_rand0.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  16. run test_minstd_rand.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  17. run test_rand48.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  18. run test_mt11213b.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  19. run test_mt19937.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  20. run test_mt19937_64.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  21. run test_ecuyer1988.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  22. run test_hellekalek1995.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  23. run test_linear_feedback_shift.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  24. run test_taus88.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  25. run test_kreutzer1986.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  26. run test_ranlux3.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  27. run test_ranlux4.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  28. run test_ranlux3_01.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  29. run test_ranlux4_01.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  30. run test_ranlux64_4.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  31. run test_ranlux64_3.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  32. run test_ranlux64_3_01.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  33. run test_ranlux64_4_01.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  34. run test_ranlux24_base.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  35. run test_ranlux24.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  36. run test_ranlux48_base.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  37. run test_ranlux48.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  38. run test_knuth_b.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  39. run test_independent_bits31.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  40. run test_independent_bits32.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  41. run test_lagged_fibonacci.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  42. run test_lagged_fibonacci607.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  43. run test_lagged_fibonacci1279.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  44. run test_lagged_fibonacci2281.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  45. run test_lagged_fibonacci3217.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  46. run test_lagged_fibonacci4423.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  47. run test_lagged_fibonacci9689.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  48. run test_lagged_fibonacci19937.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  49. run test_lagged_fibonacci23209.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  50. run test_lagged_fibonacci44497.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  51. run test_zero_seed.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  52. run niederreiter_base2_validate.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  53. run sobol_validate.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  54. run faure_validate.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  55. # Disable by default. These don't add much and the larger
  56. # ones can overflow the stack.
  57. explicit test_lagged_fibonacci1279 test_lagged_fibonacci2281
  58. test_lagged_fibonacci2281 test_lagged_fibonacci3217
  59. test_lagged_fibonacci4423 test_lagged_fibonacci9689
  60. test_lagged_fibonacci19937 test_lagged_fibonacci23209
  61. test_lagged_fibonacci44497 ;
  62. run test_seed_seq.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  63. run test_binomial.cpp ;
  64. run test_binomial_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  65. run test_poisson.cpp ;
  66. run test_poisson_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  67. run test_discrete.cpp ;
  68. run test_discrete_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  69. run test_gamma.cpp ;
  70. run test_gamma_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  71. run test_weibull.cpp ;
  72. run test_weibull_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  73. run test_extreme_value.cpp ;
  74. run test_extreme_value_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  75. run test_negative_binomial.cpp ;
  76. run test_negative_binomial_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  77. run test_chi_squared.cpp ;
  78. run test_chi_squared_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  79. run test_fisher_f.cpp ;
  80. run test_fisher_f_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  81. run test_student_t.cpp ;
  82. run test_student_t_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  83. run test_normal.cpp ;
  84. run test_normal_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  85. run test_piecewise_constant.cpp ;
  86. run test_piecewise_constant_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  87. run test_piecewise_linear.cpp ;
  88. run test_piecewise_linear_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  89. run test_exponential.cpp ;
  90. run test_exponential_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  91. run test_bernoulli.cpp ;
  92. run test_bernoulli_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  93. run test_cauchy.cpp ;
  94. run test_cauchy_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  95. run test_geometric.cpp ;
  96. run test_geometric_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  97. run test_lognormal.cpp ;
  98. run test_lognormal_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  99. run test_triangle.cpp ;
  100. run test_triangle_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  101. run test_uniform_int.cpp ;
  102. run test_uniform_int_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  103. run test_uniform_real.cpp ;
  104. run test_uniform_real_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  105. run test_uniform_on_sphere.cpp ;
  106. run test_uniform_on_sphere_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  107. run test_uniform_smallint.cpp ;
  108. run test_uniform_smallint_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  109. run test_old_uniform_real.cpp ;
  110. run test_old_uniform_real_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  111. run test_old_uniform_int.cpp ;
  112. run test_old_uniform_int_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  113. run test_beta.cpp ;
  114. run test_beta_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  115. run test_laplace.cpp ;
  116. run test_laplace_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  117. run test_non_central_chi_squared.cpp ;
  118. run test_non_central_chi_squared_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  119. run test_hyperexponential.cpp ;
  120. run test_hyperexponential_distribution.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  121. # run nondet_random_speed.cpp ;
  122. # run random_device.cpp ;
  123. # run random_speed.cpp ;
  124. # run statistic_tests.cpp ;
  125. exe statistic_tests.exe : statistic_tests.cpp ;
  126. explicit statistic_tests.exe ;
  127. install statistic_tests : statistic_tests.exe : <install-type>EXE <location>. ;
  128. explicit statistic_tests ;
  129. #
  130. # Multiprecision tests:
  131. #
  132. run multiprecision_int_test.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework ;
  133. # This one runs too slow in debug mode, we really need inline expansions turned on amonst other things:
  134. run multiprecision_float_test.cpp /boost//unit_test_framework : : : release ;