Jamfile.v2 2.5 KB

  1. # Jamfile.v2
  2. #
  3. # Copyright (c) 2007-2009
  4. # Steven Watanabe
  5. #
  6. # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
  7. # accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  8. # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
  9. import testing ;
  10. warning-options = <warnings>all <warnings-as-errors>on ;
  11. warning-compilers =
  12. <toolset>msvc
  13. ;
  14. project boost/units/test :
  15. requirements
  16. <implicit-dependency>/boost//headers
  17. <toolset>msvc:<asynch-exceptions>on
  18. $(warning-compilers)\:$(warning-options)
  19. # This warning comes from the test library.
  20. <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>"/wd4701"
  21. # The comes from the exception library
  22. <toolset>msvc,<toolset-msvc:version>7.1:<cxxflags>"/wd4800"
  23. ;
  24. alias test_framework : /boost//unit_test_framework/<warnings-as-errors>off ;
  25. compile test_predicates.cpp ;
  26. compile test_negative_denominator.cpp ;
  27. compile test_dimensionless_ice1.cpp ;
  28. compile test_dimensionless_ice2.cpp ;
  29. compile test_mixed_value_types.cpp ;
  30. compile test_complicated_system.cpp ;
  31. compile test_reduce_unit.cpp ;
  32. compile test_unscale.cpp ;
  33. compile test_constants.cpp ;
  34. run test_dimensionless_quantity.cpp ;
  35. run test_implicit_conversion.cpp ;
  36. run test_quantity.cpp ;
  37. run test_unit.cpp ;
  38. run test_conversion.cpp test_framework ;
  39. run test_base_dimension.cpp ;
  40. run test_absolute.cpp ;
  41. run test_default_conversion.cpp ;
  42. run test_cmath.cpp ;
  43. run test_limits.cpp ;
  44. run test_custom_unit.cpp ;
  45. run test_scaled_conversion.cpp ;
  46. run test_lambda.cpp ;
  47. run test_sqrt_scaled_unit.cpp ;
  48. run test_scaled_unit.cpp test_framework ;
  49. run test_output.cpp test_framework /boost//regex/<warnings-as-errors>off : : : <test-info>always_show_run_output ;
  50. run test_trig.cpp test_framework ;
  51. run test_information_units.cpp test_framework ;
  52. compile-fail fail_implicit_conversion.cpp ;
  53. compile-fail fail_quantity_construct.cpp ;
  54. compile-fail fail_quantity_assign.cpp ;
  55. compile-fail fail_quantity_add.cpp ;
  56. compile-fail fail_quantity_subtract.cpp ;
  57. compile-fail fail_quantity_add_assign.cpp ;
  58. compile-fail fail_quantity_sub_assign.cpp ;
  59. compile-fail fail_quantity_scalar_add.cpp ;
  60. compile-fail fail_quantity_scalar_sub.cpp ;
  61. compile-fail fail_quantity_unit_add.cpp ;
  62. compile-fail fail_quantity_unit_subtract.cpp ;
  63. compile-fail fail_scalar_quantity_add.cpp ;
  64. compile-fail fail_scalar_quantity_sub.cpp ;
  65. compile-fail fail_unit_quantity_add.cpp ;
  66. compile-fail fail_unit_quantity_subtract.cpp ;
  67. compile-fail fail_adl_detail.cpp ;
  68. compile-fail fail_heterogeneous_unit.cpp ;
  69. compile-fail fail_base_dimension.cpp ;
  70. compile-fail fail_add_temperature.cpp ;
  71. compile-fail fail_quantity_non_unit.cpp ;