FarJourneyFreeport.lua 22 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : FarJourneyFreeport.lua
  3. Script Purpose : Handles boat scripted events
  4. Script Author : LethalEncounter
  5. Script Date : 6/28/2020
  6. Script Notes :
  7. --]]
  8. seen_step_45 = false
  9. function player_entry(Zone, player)
  10. SetHeading(player,180)
  11. end
  12. function init_zone_script(Zone)
  13. end
  14. function signal_changed(zone, player, signal)
  15. if signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == false and HasCompletedQuest(player, 524) == false then
  16. i = 1
  17. spawns = GetSpawnListBySpawnID(player, 270010)
  18. repeat
  19. spawn = GetSpawnFromList(spawns, i-1)
  20. if spawn then
  21. ChangeHandIcon(spawn, 0)
  22. end
  23. i = i + 1
  24. until spawn == nil
  25. InstructionWindow(player, 10.0, "Welcome to Norrath, the world of EverQuest II. Left click on the help button at any time for more detailed help and information.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_001_63779ca0.mp3", 3450229107, 2555116653, "introduction", "", "continue")
  26. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 1)
  27. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu.help", 10.0)
  28. SetTutorialStep(player, 1)
  29. end
  30. if signal == "introduction" then
  31. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 0)
  32. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "EverQuest II can be played in either a third person view, which you see now, or from a first person perspective. Scrolling the mouse wheel or pressing the F9 key will change your view. Try changing your view now.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_002_57cbfd77.mp3", 3053902814, 2060319388, "camera_control", "Switch the camera view to first-person. (mouse wheel up)", "camera firstperson", "Switch the camera view to third-person. (mouse wheel down)", "camera thirdperson")
  33. SetTutorialStep(player, 2)
  34. end
  35. if signal == "camera_control" then
  36. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "The first thing you need to know how to do is look around using the mouse. Hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse right and left. Notice that moving your mouse up and down will make you look in those directions as well.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_003_a3b38888.mp3", 130321605, 3870508467, "tutorial_stage_4", "Look to the left (hold right mouse button and move the mouse left)", "mouselook left", "Look to the right (hold right mouse button and move the mouse right)", "mouselook right", "Look up (hold right mouse button and move the mouse up)", "mouselook up", "Look down (hold right mouse button and move the mouse down)", "mouselook down")
  37. SetTutorialStep(player, 3)
  38. end
  39. if signal == "tutorial_stage_4" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 3 then
  40. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Use the A, S, W, and D keys for basic movement. These keys cause you to turn left and right as well as to move forward and back.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_004_ff730a9b.mp3", 825281976, 127545929, "tutorial_stage_5", "Turn left. (press the A key)", "move turnleft", "Turn right. (press the D key)", "move turnright", "Move forward. (press the W key)", "move forward", "Move backward. (press the S key)", "move back")
  41. SetTutorialStep(player, 4)
  42. end
  43. if signal == "tutorial_stage_5" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 4 then
  44. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Double left click on Captain Varlos to interact with him.", "", 0, 0, "tutorial_stage_6", "", "server")
  45. SetTutorialStep(player, 5)
  46. end
  47. --[[ if signal == "tutorial_stage_9" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 8 then
  48. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 0)
  49. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu.quest_journal", 0.0)
  50. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "The quest journal will keep track of all important quest information for you.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_008_dea98146.mp3", 1585802421, 4158930887, "tutorial_stage_10", "", "continue")
  51. SetTutorialStep(player, 9)
  52. end
  53. if signal == "tutorial_stage_10" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 9 then
  54. FlashWindow(player, "Journals.ActiveQuest", 6.5)
  55. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "This is your quest helper. It displays the current step of your active quest.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_009_7270f5ed.mp3", 1886677883, 3646680727, "tutorial_stage_13", "", "continue")
  56. SetTutorialStep(player, 10)
  57. end
  58. if (signal == "tutorial_stage_13" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 10) or (signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == true and GetQuestStep(player, 524) == 1) then
  59. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Place your mouse pointer on Waulon. Notice that your mouse pointer changes shape. This indicates what the normal action of a double left click on that object or person will do. In this case you will hail Waulon. Double left click on Waulon now.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_010_73e16723.mp3", 1311374862, 3104741396, "tutorial_stage_14", "Double left click on Waulon to hail him.", "server")
  60. ShowWindow(player, "Journals.JournalsQuest", 0)
  61. SetTutorialStep(player, 13)
  62. end
  63. --]]
  64. if (signal == "tutorial_stage_15" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 14) or (signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == true and GetQuestStep(player, 524) == 2) then
  65. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Move your mouse pointer over the boxes. Notice that your mouse pointer changes shape again, and the boxes start to glow. Double left click to open each of the boxes.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_012_9ba468fb.mp3", 1009896073, 25784171, "tutorial_stage_16", "Double left click on a box to open it.", "server")
  66. SetTutorialStep(player, 15)
  67. end
  68. --[[
  69. if signal == "tutorial_stage_18" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 16 then
  70. ShowWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory", 0)
  71. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Managing your inventory and equipment is very important. It is how you use all of the gear that you will find on your adventures. Left click on the inventory button.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_015_46f20016.mp3", 2394903675, 552673556, "tutorial_stage_19", "Open your inventory. (click on the inventory button)", "open Inventory")
  72. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 1)
  73. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu.inventory", 16.0)
  74. SetTutorialStep(player, 18)
  75. end
  76. if signal == "tutorial_stage_19" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 18 then
  77. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 0)
  78. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu.inventory", 0.0)
  79. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "This is your inventory. These slots represent available space to carry items.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_016_3f62b542.mp3", 2423921165, 856268766, "tutorial_stage_20", "", "continue")
  80. ShowWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory", 1)
  81. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot0", 6.0)
  82. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot1", 6.0)
  83. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot2", 6.0)
  84. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot3", 6.0)
  85. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot4", 6.0)
  86. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.GeneralPage.InvSlot5", 6.0)
  87. SetTutorialStep(player, 19)
  88. end
  89. if (signal == "tutorial_stage_20" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 19) or (signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == true and GetQuestStep(player, 524) == 3) then
  90. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "This is your equipment. These slots represent the locations you can equip with armor, weapons, jewelry, and other items. Double left click on the tunic in your inventory.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_017_d8bd9733.mp3", 598366253, 952105390, "tutorial_stage_21", "Double left click on the threadbare tunic to equip it.", "server")
  91. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot0", 8.0)
  92. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot1", 8.0)
  93. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot2", 8.0)
  94. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot3", 8.0)
  95. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot4", 8.0)
  96. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot5", 8.0)
  97. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot6", 8.0)
  98. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot7", 8.0)
  99. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot8", 8.0)
  100. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot9", 8.0)
  101. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot10", 8.0)
  102. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot11", 8.0)
  103. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot12", 8.0)
  104. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot13", 8.0)
  105. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot14", 8.0)
  106. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot15", 8.0)
  107. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot16", 8.0)
  108. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot17", 8.0)
  109. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot18", 8.0)
  110. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot19", 8.0)
  111. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot20", 8.0)
  112. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot21", 8.0)
  113. SetTutorialStep(player, 20)
  114. end
  115. if signal == "tutorial_stage_21" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 20 then
  116. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Notice the tunic now occupies the chest equipment slot and you are now wearing it.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_018_8786e939.mp3", 3902294834, 2836623234, "tutorial_stage_22", "", "continue")
  117. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.EqSlot3", 6.0)
  118. SetTutorialStep(player, 21)
  119. end
  120. if signal == "tutorial_stage_22" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 21 then
  121. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.Chest3", 0.0)
  122. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Waulon is waiting for you to return with his hat. Close your inventory window and go talk to him. Remember, double left clicking on Waulon will start the conversation.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_019_9da1b75d.mp3", 741062937, 535829184, "tutorial_stage_23", "Double left click on Waulon to hail him.", "server")
  123. end]]--
  124. if signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == true and GetQuestStep(player, 524) == 5 then
  125. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "A merchant is a special type of character who buys and sells things. Find and double left click on Merchant Vim to start a transaction.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_020_6ea052d3.mp3", 4250953579, 3003156164, "tutorial_stage_24", "Double left click on Merchant Vim.", "server")
  126. SetTutorialStep(player, 24)
  127. end
  128. if signal == "tutorial_stage_25" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 24 then
  129. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "The sell tab displays the items in your inventory that a merchant is interested in and how much they will pay for each item. Different merchants are interested in different things, and the price they will pay varies.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_022_11c56393.mp3", 3020037974, 1310705478, "tutorial_stage_26", "", "continue")
  130. SetTutorialStep(player, 25)
  131. end
  132. if signal == "tutorial_stage_26" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 25 then
  133. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Congratulations. Now left click on the buy tab", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_024_d8a4efd6.mp3", 2701661062, 119120428, "tutorial_stage_28", "Click on the 'Buy' tab in the merchant window.", "pane Merchant Buy")
  134. SetTutorialStep(player, 26)
  135. end
  136. if signal == "tutorial_stage_28" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 26 then
  137. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Double left click on the Shard of Luclin.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_025_fae8d9aa.mp3", 2465701012, 531235298, "tutorial_stage_30", "Double left click on the Shard of Luclin.", "server")
  138. SetTutorialStep(player, 28)
  139. end
  140. --[[ if signal == "equipping_weapons" then
  141. SetTutorialStep(player, 34)
  142. ShowWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu", 0)
  143. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.StartMenu.inventory", 0.0)
  144. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "This is an action menu. Right clicking on any character, item, or interface element will bring up the action menu for that object.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_029_759b20ee.mp3", 2551751095, 1683887648, "tutorial_stage_35", "Right click on an item in your inventory.", "open RadialMenu")
  145. ShowWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory", 1)
  146. end
  147. if signal == "tutorial_stage_35" then
  148. SetTutorialStep(player, 35)
  149. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Left click on the examine action.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_030_ae336060.mp3", 1661740791, 1051227725, "tutorial_stage_36", "Right click on an item, then left click on the examine button.", "open ExamineItem")
  150. end
  151. if signal == "tutorial_stage_36" then
  152. SetTutorialStep(player, 36)
  153. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "This window shows the detailed specifics about an item. Notice that the name of the item is white. This indicates that the item is a good match for you. If an item's name ever turns grey, you will want to replace it with a better version. A red name indicates that the item is either unusable by your character class or out of your level range.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_030_ae336060.mp3", 1307292988, 58658687, "tutorial_stage_37", "", "continue")
  154. end
  155. if signal == "tutorial_stage_37" then
  156. SetTutorialStep(player, 37)
  157. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Left clicking and dragging on an item will pick that item up and allow you to move it from one slot to another. Pick up the club.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_032_c4d45830.mp3", 1069757593, 1169701151, "tutorial_stage_38", "", "continue")
  158. end
  159. if signal == "tutorial_stage_38" then
  160. SetTutorialStep(player, 38)
  161. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Releasing the mouse button over an available slot will drop the item again.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_033_7310c971.mp3", 329734483, 2927325554, "tutorial_stage_39", "", "continue")
  162. end
  163. if signal == "tutorial_stage_39" then
  164. SetTutorialStep(player, 39)
  165. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "If you drag and drop items onto the paper doll display, your character will attempt to equip that item. If the item cannot be equipped, it will automatically be stored into the first available inventory slot. Try auto-equipping the club.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_034_cb993d34.mp3", 2169570288, 2277767239, "tutorial_stage_40", "Left click and hold down the mouse button on the splintered club, then drag it to your character display.", "server")
  166. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.PaperDoll", 6.0)
  167. end
  168. if (signal == "tutorial_stage_40" and GetTutorialStep(player) == 39) or (signal == "sys_client_avatar_ready" and HasQuest(player, 524) == true and GetQuestStep(player, 524) == 8) then
  169. SetTutorialStep(player, 40)
  170. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Before approaching a potential enemy, you should evaluate a few things. This is your health display. As you are injured, your health decreases. If it runs out completely you will collapse and could die. It is very important to keep an eye on your health at all times.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_036_ff1a8605.mp3", 4286041154, 293958730, "tutorial_stage_42", "", "continue")
  171. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBar", 18.0)
  172. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 18.0)
  173. end
  174. if signal == "tutorial_stage_42" then
  175. SetTutorialStep(player, 42)
  176. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBar", 0.0)
  177. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 0.0)
  178. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "It is also important to consider how powerful your opponent is. Place your mouse cursor onto the rat.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_037_e7c85534.mp3", 1222496721, 345453852, "tutorial_stage_42.5", "", "continue")
  179. end
  180. if signal == "tutorial_stage_42.5" then
  181. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Notice the mouse pointer changes color. This color indicates how difficult an opponent is. The cursor is white, which means that the rat is an even fight. Easier fights will be green or blue, meaning that these creatures are lower level than you. More difficult, higher level fights will be yellow, orange or red. Looks however, can be deceiving. Some creatures are very powerful for their size, and may require a group to conquer.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_038_19982dd.mp3", 1535688531, 2987489092, "tutorial_stage_43", "", "continue")
  182. end
  183. if signal == "tutorial_stage_43" then
  184. SetTutorialStep(player, 43)
  185. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Notice his name is now flashing and there is a large targeting ring on the ground below him. This indicates that the rat is now your target.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_040_1e780c5b.mp3", 2045181958, 2230466907, "tutorial_stage_44.5", "", "continue")
  186. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.HealthBar", 12.0)
  187. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.Name", 12.0)
  188. end
  189. if signal == "tutorial_stage_44.5" then
  190. SetTutorialStep(player, 44)
  191. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBar", 0.0)
  192. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 0.0)
  193. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "You can see both the health and level of your target in the target display. You will also notice a downward pointing arrow above the rat's health bar. This means that it is a below average difficulty opponent and can be defeated by a single player. Opponents can range from three downward arrows (a very weak opponent) to three upward arrows (a heroic opponent requiring a group of players to defeat). An opponent that indicates no arrows at all is considered to be of average difficulty.", "", 0, 0, "tutorial_stage_45", "", "continue")
  194. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.HealthBar", 12.0)
  195. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.Name", 12.0)
  196. end
  197. if signal == "tutorial_stage_45" then
  198. SetTutorialStep(player, 45)
  199. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBar", 0.0)
  200. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 0.0)
  201. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Place your mouse pointer over the target box. The tool-tip will show you detailed information about the target and its encounter.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_040_1e780c5b.mp3", 0, 9, "tutorial_stage_45.5", "", "continue")
  202. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.HealthBar", 12.0)
  203. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Target.Name", 12.0)
  204. end]]--
  205. if signal == "tutorial_stage_45.5" then
  206. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBar", 0.0)
  207. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 0.0)
  208. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "It's time for some adventure. Double left click on the rat to attack it.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_042_791576f2.mp3", 1866452922, 760329708, "tutorial_stage_46", "Double left click on the rat.", "server")
  209. end
  210. if signal == "tutorial_stage_47" then
  211. SetTutorialStep(player, 47)
  212. InstructionWindow(player, 10.0, "Always be sure to take everything you can from a fallen opponent. Many seemingly worthless items can be valuable to merchants or other players.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_044_dc34536.mp3", 4221017573, 1055524726, "tutorial_stage_48", "", "continue")
  213. end
  214. if signal == "tutorial_stage_48" then
  215. SetTutorialStep(player, 48)
  216. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Congratulations! As you see, you also earn experience and rewards for defeating enemies.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_045_db304a48.mp3", 3903602846, 3454863851, "tutorial_stage_49", "", "continue")
  217. end
  218. if signal == "tutorial_stage_50" then
  219. SetTutorialStep(player, 50)
  220. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Notice that your experience point display is now empty, and your maximum health and power have increased.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_047_5c382a71.mp3", 1130515024, 564825664, "", "", "continue")
  221. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.HealthBarBkg", 6.0)
  222. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.ManaBarBkg", 6.0)
  223. FlashWindow(player, "MainHUD.Player.Name", 6.0)
  224. FlashWindow(spawn, "MainHUD.Experience", 3.0)
  225. end
  226. end
  227. function item_equipped(zone, player, item_id, item_name, item_unique_id)
  228. if item_name == "threadbare tunic" then
  229. InstructionWindowGoal(player, 0)
  230. elseif item_name == "splintered club" then
  231. InstructionWindowClose(player)
  232. FlashWindow(player, "Inventory.Inventory.EquipmentPage.PaperDoll", 0.0)
  233. InstructionWindow(player, -1.0, "Now, go and complete the quest that the Captain gave to you.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_035_acb2990a.mp3", 395837788, 2869210055, "tutorial_stage_40", "", "continue")
  234. end
  235. end
  236. function item_unequipped(zone, player, item_id, item_name, item_unique_id)
  237. end
  238. function spawn_killed(zone, dead, killer)
  239. if seen_step_45 == false and GetName(dead) == "a rat" then
  240. InstructionWindowClose(killer)
  241. InstructionWindow(killer, 8.0, "Double click on the dead rat to search its body for valuables.", "voiceover/english/narrator/boat_06p_tutorial02/narrator_043_a33564f1.mp3", 2552146487, 2098243078, "tutorial_stage_47", "Double left click on the corpse of a rat.", "open Loot")
  242. seen_step_45 = true
  243. end
  244. SendStateCommand(GetSpawn(killer, 270001), 0)
  245. SendStateCommand(GetSpawn(killer, 270004), 0)
  246. SendStateCommand(GetSpawn(killer, 270005), 0)
  247. SendStateCommand(GetSpawn(killer, 270007), 0)
  248. end