unpaired.qbk 1023 B

  1. [#unpaired]
  2. [section unpaired]
  3. [h1 Synopsis]
  4. namespace error
  5. {
  6. template <int Line, int Col, class Msg = boost::mpl::na>
  7. struct unpaired;
  8. }
  9. This is a [link parsing_error_message parsing error message].
  10. [table Arguments
  11. [[Name] [Type]]
  12. [[`Line`] [`int` value]]
  13. [[`Col`] [`int` value]]
  14. [[`Msg`] [[link metaprogramming_value template metaprogramming value]]]
  15. ]
  16. [h1 Description]
  17. Template class representing the error that the closing element of an
  18. "['opening element] ... ['closing element]" structure is missing. (eg. a closing
  19. paren is missing). `Line` and `Col` point to the beginning of the
  20. ['opening element] (eg. the opening paren). `Msg` is the error message the
  21. parser trying to parse the ['closing element] failed with.
  22. It supports currying: `unpaired<Line, Col>` is a
  23. [link metafunction_class template metafunction class] taking one argument: the
  24. `Msg` element and returning the corresponding `unpaired` value.
  25. [h1 Header]
  26. #include <boost/metaparse/error/unpaired.hpp>
  27. [endsect]