tools.qbk 2.4 KB

  1. [/
  2. Copyright (c) Vladimir Batov 2009-2016
  3. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  4. See copy at
  5. ]
  6. [section:supporting_tools Supporting Tools]
  7. This section describes a few supporting tools written as part of ['Boost.Convert] but which might be useful in their own rights.
  8. [section boost::cnv::range]
  9. ['boost::cnv::range] is a consolidation of the [begin, end)-based ranges (such as ['std::string]) and the sentry-based ranges (such as null-terminated C-style strings). It allows universal traversal of both types of ranges with
  10. for (auto s = range.begin(); s != range.sentry(); ++s)
  11. without the penalty or the need for an extra traversal of the sentry-based ranges in order to find the end.
  12. TODO
  13. [endsect]
  14. [section boost::cnv::is_range]
  15. TODO
  16. [endsect]
  18. The BOOST_DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER macro allows to declare a trait which would then let introspect the existence of a class member (a data member or a member function) with the specified name.
  19. For example, the following declarations introduce `local::has_begin` and `local::has_funop` traits which then allow to test if the supplied class has respectively `begin` and `operator()` members:
  20. [has_member_declaration]
  21. Now these traits can be used as follows:
  22. [has_member_classes_tested]
  23. [has_member_usage]
  24. As it can be seen from the example the traits only check for the existence of a member (be that a data member or a member function) with the specified name.
  25. [endsect]
  27. The BOOST_DECLARE_IS_CALLABLE macro extends the functionality provided by BOOST_DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER and allows to declare a trait which would then let introspect the existence of a named class member function ['callable with the supplied signature].
  28. For example, the following declarations introduce `local::can_call_funop` and `local::can_call_func` traits:
  29. [is_callable_declaration]
  30. The traits allow to test if the supplied class has respectively `operator()` and `func()` member functions callable with the specified signature:
  31. [is_callable_classes_tested]
  32. [is_callable_usage1]
  33. [is_callable_usage2]
  34. As it can be seen from the example the traits check for the existence of a ['callable] member function but ['not necessarily of the specified signature]. Please check the ['Boost.TTI] library for the latter.
  35. [endsect]
  36. [section boost::cnv::is_cnv]
  37. TODO
  38. [endsect]
  39. [endsect]