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  23. <div><h2 class="title">
  24. <a name="histogram"></a>Chapter&#160;1.&#160;Boost.Histogram</h2></div>
  25. <div><div class="author"><h3 class="author">
  26. <span class="firstname">Hans</span> <span class="surname">Dembinski</span>
  27. </h3></div></div>
  28. <div><p class="copyright">Copyright &#169; 2016-2019 Hans
  29. Dembinski</p></div>
  30. <div><div class="legalnotice">
  31. <a name="histogram.legal"></a><p>
  32. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  33. file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
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  40. <p>
  41. Boost.Histogram provides an easy-to-use, fast, and extensible multi-dimensional
  42. histograms and profiles.
  43. </p>
  44. <div class="variablelist">
  45. <p class="title"><b></b></p>
  46. <dl class="variablelist">
  47. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/overview.html" title="Overview">Overview</a> </span></dt>
  48. <dd><p>
  49. An overview of the features included in the library, the motivation and
  50. rationale.
  51. </p></dd>
  52. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/getting_started.html" title="Getting started">Getting started</a> </span></dt>
  53. <dd><p>
  54. See the library in action in a few heavily commented examples. Copy/paste
  55. from these examples to kick-start your project.
  56. </p></dd>
  57. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/guide.html" title="User guide">User guide</a> </span></dt>
  58. <dd><p>
  59. An in-depth user guide that introduces all aspects of the library, starting
  60. simple and ending with the advanced features.
  61. </p></dd>
  62. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/reference.html" title="Reference">Reference</a> </span></dt>
  63. <dd><p>
  64. Detailed class and function reference.
  65. </p></dd>
  66. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/concepts.html" title="Concepts">Concepts</a> </span></dt>
  67. <dd><p>
  68. Read this if you want to make custom axis types, storage types, and more
  69. that work with the library.
  70. </p></dd>
  71. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/benchmarks.html" title="Benchmarks">Benchmarks</a> </span></dt>
  72. <dd><p>
  73. The performance of this library is compared with other popular libraries.
  74. </p></dd>
  75. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/rationale.html" title="Rationale">Rationale</a> </span></dt>
  76. <dd><p>
  77. Thoughts behind the design for contributors and future maintainers of the
  78. library.
  79. </p></dd>
  80. <dt><span class="term"> <a class="link" href="histogram/history.html" title="Revision history">Revision history</a> </span></dt>
  81. <dd><p>
  82. Log of code changes.
  83. </p></dd>
  84. </dl>
  85. </div>
  86. <p>
  87. <span class="bold"><strong>Acknowledgments</strong></span>
  88. </p>
  89. <p>
  90. Klemens Morgenstern helped to make this library Boost-compliant, converting the
  91. documentation and adding Jamfiles, and provided code improvements.
  92. </p>
  93. <p>
  94. Mateusz Loskot kindly agreed to fill the role of the Review Manager for this
  95. library and contributed various patches.
  96. </p>
  97. <p>
  98. Steven Watanabe provided a very detailed review of the documentation and code
  99. of the library. Great reviews were submitted by Bjorn Reese, Jim Pivarski, Klemens
  100. Morgenstern, and Alex Hagen-Zanker. Comments and suggestions were provided by
  101. Andrea Bocci, degksi, Glen Fernandes, Gavin Lambert, Seth, and Mateusz Loskot.
  102. Peter Dimov, Vinnie Falco, and Glen Fernandes were invaluable source of information
  103. and feedback on the Cpplang Slack.
  104. </p>
  105. <p>
  106. The members of the <a href="http://www.scikit-hep.org" target="_top">Scikit-HEP project</a>
  107. provided valuable feedback and input on the design of this library, special thanks
  108. go to Henry Schreiner and Jim Pivarski.
  109. </p>
  110. </div>
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  112. <td align="left"><p><small>Last revised: December 10, 2019 at 00:23:02 GMT</small></p></td>
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