test_module_init_overview.qbk 3.3 KB

  1. [/
  2. / Copyright (c) 2003 Boost.Test contributors
  3. /
  4. / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
  5. / file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
  6. /]
  7. [section:test_module_init_overview Test module's initialization]
  8. In order for a unit test module to successfully link and execute, it has to have access to the ['test module's initialization
  9. function]. the module's initialization function is called only once during the execution of the program, just before the
  10. [link boost_test.adv_scenarios.test_module_runner_overview ['test module runner]] is run. By default, the __UTF__ provides
  11. a default definition of initialization function. The only thing you have to do is to instruct the framework in which translation
  12. unit (`cpp` file) it needs to provide the definition. You do it by defining macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ in the designated file.
  13. The default implementation assigns the name to the [link ref_test_module test module] as well as the
  14. [link boost_test.tests_organization.test_tree.master_test_suite master test suite]. The name to be assigned is specified by
  15. the value of the macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__.
  16. [important
  17. For a test module consisting of multiple source files you have to define __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ in a single test file only.
  18. Otherwise you end up with multiple instances of the initialization function.
  19. ]
  20. There is practically no need to ever alter the default behavior of the test module's initialization function. The __UTF__ provides
  21. superior tools for performing customization tasks:
  22. * for automatic registration of test cases and test suites in the test tree, see section [link boost_test.tests_organization Tests organization];
  23. * in order to assign the custom name to the master test suite define macro __BOOST_TEST_MODULE__ to desired value;
  24. * in order to access the command-line parameters (except the ones consumed by the __UTF__), use the interface of the
  25. [link boost_test.tests_organization.test_tree.master_test_suite master test suite];
  26. * in order to perform a global initialization of the state required by the test cases, [link boost_test.tests_organization.fixtures.global global fixtures]
  27. offer a superior alternative: you can specify global set-up and tear-down in one place, allow access to the global data from every test case, and guarantee
  28. that clean-up and tear-down is repeated each time the tests are re-run during the execution of the program;
  29. * if the need for custom module initialization is only driven by legacy code (written against old versions of the __UTF__), it is recommended
  30. to update your program's code.
  31. The default initialization function provided by the framework is defined with the following signature in the global namespace:
  32. ```
  33. bool init_unit_test();
  34. ```
  35. Return value `true` indicates a successful initialization. Value `false` indicates initialization failure.
  36. For overriding the default definition:
  37. * [link boost_test.adv_scenarios.single_header_customizations.init_func see here], for header-only usage variant,
  38. * [link boost_test.adv_scenarios.static_lib_customizations.init_func see here], for static library usage variant,
  39. * [link boost_test.adv_scenarios.shared_lib_customizations.init_func see here], for shared library usage variant.
  40. [endsect] [/section:test_module_init_overview]