test_html4_symbols.qbk 1.8 KB

  1. [section:test_HTML_4_Symbols test HTML4 symbols]
  2. [/ Examples of using all the Greek and Math symbols defined in HTML4_symbols.qbk]
  3. [/ See http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/html40/entities/symbols.html]
  4. [/ Also some miscellaneous math charaters added to this list - see the end.]
  5. [/ To use, enclose the template name in square brackets.]
  6. [fnof],
  7. [Alpha],
  8. [Beta],
  9. [Gamma],
  10. [Delta],
  11. [Epsilon],
  12. [Zeta],
  13. [Eta],
  14. [Theta],
  15. [Iota],
  16. [Kappa],
  17. [Lambda],
  18. [Mu],
  19. [Nu],
  20. [Xi],
  21. [Omicron],
  22. [Pi],
  23. [Rho],
  24. [Sigma],
  25. [Tau],
  26. [Upsilon],
  27. [Phi],
  28. [Chi],
  29. [Psi],
  30. [Omega],
  31. [alpha],
  32. [beta],
  33. [gamma],
  34. [delta],
  35. [epsilon],
  36. [zeta],
  37. [eta],
  38. [theta],
  39. [iota],
  40. [kappa],
  41. [lambda],
  42. [mu],
  43. [nu],
  44. [xi],
  45. [omicron],
  46. [pi],
  47. [rho],
  48. [sigmaf],
  49. [sigma],
  50. [tau],
  51. [upsilon],
  52. [phi],
  53. [chi],
  54. [psi],
  55. [omega],
  56. [thetasym],
  57. [upsih],
  58. [piv],
  59. [bull],
  60. [hellip],
  61. [prime],
  62. [Prime],
  63. [oline],
  64. [frasl],
  65. [weierp],
  66. [image],
  67. [real],
  68. [trade],
  69. [alefsym],
  70. [larr],
  71. [uarr],
  72. [rarr],
  73. [darr],
  74. [harr],
  75. [crarr],
  76. [lArr],
  77. [uArr],
  78. [rArr],
  79. [dArr],
  80. [hArr],
  81. [forall],
  82. [part],
  83. [exist],
  84. [empty],
  85. [nabla],
  86. [isin],
  87. [notin],
  88. [ni],
  89. [prod],
  90. [sum],
  91. [minus],
  92. [lowast],
  93. [radic],
  94. [prop],
  95. [infin],
  96. [ang],
  97. [and],
  98. [or],
  99. [cap],
  100. [cup],
  101. [int],
  102. [there4],
  103. [sim],
  104. [cong],
  105. [asymp],
  106. [ne],
  107. [equiv],
  108. [le],
  109. [ge],
  110. [subset],
  111. [superset],
  112. [nsubset],
  113. [sube],
  114. [supe],
  115. [oplus],
  116. [otimes],
  117. [perp],
  118. [sdot],
  119. [lceil],
  120. [rceil],
  121. [lfloor],
  122. [rfloor],
  123. [lang],
  124. [rang],
  125. [loz],
  126. [spades],
  127. [clubs],
  128. [hearts],
  129. [diams],
  130. [endsect]
  131. [/ test_MTML4_symbols.qbk
  132. Copyright 2006 John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
  133. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
  134. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
  135. http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).
  136. ]