Configuration.xml 769 B

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <configuration>
  3. <!--
  4. The encrypted-maps section defines the maps that the tool knows how to decrypt.
  5. All the maps in the 'nrvobm' folder are encrypted using the same algorithm,
  6. but the key needed to decrypt them is sent from the server when the character
  7. enters the zone, and varies from map to map.
  8. This section lists the maps for which decryption keys are known.
  9. -->
  10. <encrypted-maps>
  11. <map>
  12. <name>nrvobm/</name>
  13. <decryption-key>53 c9 0b 20 d8 fc 82 08</decryption-key>
  14. </map>
  15. <map>
  16. <name>nrvobm/</name>
  17. <decryption-key>5d 18 d3 5e 80 f4 c1 65</decryption-key>
  18. </map>
  19. </encrypted-maps>
  20. </configuration>