in_the_name_of_honor.lua 4.5 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : Quests/OutpostOverlord/in_the_name_of_honor.lua
  3. Script Purpose : Handles the quest, "In the Name of Honor"
  4. Script Author : premierio015
  5. Script Date : 18.05.2020
  6. Script Notes : Auto generated with QuestParser.
  7. Zone : Outpost of the Overlord
  8. Quest Giver :
  9. Preceded by : None
  10. Followed by : In The Name of Prestige
  11. --]]
  12. function Init(Quest)
  13. AddQuestStepLocation(Quest, 1, "Search the Wilderwood, just north of the Seaside Glade.", 15, "I must find Laena, the Tunarian spy that has captivated Charles Arker. She could be in any of these locations; I'll have to search carefully.", 11, 175.27, 1.34, 100.21)
  14. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 1, "Step1Complete")
  15. end
  16. function Accepted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  17. -- Add dialog here for when the quest is accepted
  18. end
  19. function Declined(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  20. -- Add dialog here for when the quest is declined
  21. end
  22. function Deleted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  23. -- Remove any quest specific items here when the quest is deleted
  24. end
  25. function Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  26. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 1, "Searched the Wilderwood.")
  27. AddQuestStepLocation(Quest, 2, "Search the Rocky Dig to the east inside the Wilderwood.", 15, "I must find Laena, the Tunarian spy that has captivated Charles Arker. She could be in any of these locations; I'll have to search carefully.", 11, 120.20, 1.34, 99.57)
  28. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 2, "Step2Complete")
  29. end
  30. function Step2Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  31. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 2, "Searched the Rocky Dig.")
  32. AddQuestStepLocation(Quest, 3, "Search Cliffdiver Canyon to the west of the Seaside Glade.", 15, "I must find Laena, the Tunarian spy that has captivated Charles Arker. She could be in any of these locations; I'll have to search carefully.", 11, 239.75, -5.06, 126.98)
  33. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 3, "Step3Complete")
  34. end
  35. function Step3Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  36. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 3, "Searched Cliffdiver Canyon.")
  37. AddQuestStepLocation(Quest, 4, "Search Wilderbear Vale, at the northern end of Cliffdiver Canyon.", 15, "I must find Laena, the Tunarian spy that has captivated Charles Arker. She could be in any of these locations; I'll have to search carefully.", 11, 257.37, -4.32, -7.55)
  38. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 4, "Step4Complete")
  39. end
  40. function Step4Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  41. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 4, "Searched Wilderbear Vale.")
  42. UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 1, "I've located the ghost of Laena.")
  43. AddQuestStepKill(Quest, 5, "The ghost of Laena must be eliminated!", 1, 100, "There she is! I must get rid of Laena's ghost so that Charles is not tempted any longer.", 2487, 2780097)
  44. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 5, "Step5Complete")
  45. end
  46. function Step5Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  47. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 5, "I've eliminated Laena.")
  48. UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 2, "I've gotten rid of Laena. For good.")
  49. AddQuestStepChat(Quest, 6, "Charles will be grateful to learn that Laena is out of his life forever.", 1, "Now that the Tunarian is gone, I should let Charles know he can wed his Freeport lady in peace.", 11, 2780075)
  50. AddQuestStepCompleteAction(Quest, 6, "QuestComplete")
  51. end
  52. function QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  53. -- The following UpdateQuestStepDescription and UpdateTaskGroupDescription are not needed, parser adds them for completion in case stuff needs to be moved around
  54. UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 6, "I spoke with Charles Arker.")
  55. UpdateQuestTaskGroupDescription(Quest, 3, "I've spoken with Charles.")
  56. UpdateQuestDescription(Quest, "When I located the wood elf that captivated Charles Arker's imagination, she was already dead but in ghostly form. To make sure that Laena doesn't come back to haunt him, I made sure she will never rise again. Arker seemed surprised, perhaps even dismayed, but Laena's death will only make him stronger.")
  57. GiveQuestReward(Quest, Player)
  58. end
  59. function Reload(Quest, QuestGiver, Player, Step)
  60. if Step == 1 then
  61. Step1Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  62. elseif Step == 2 then
  63. Step2Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  64. elseif Step == 3 then
  65. Step3Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  66. elseif Step == 4 then
  67. Step4Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  68. elseif Step == 5 then
  69. Step5Complete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  70. elseif Step == 6 then
  71. QuestComplete(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
  72. end
  73. end