ChiefKaorf.lua 3.1 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : SpawnScripts/TheLostVillageofKugup/ChiefKaorf.lua
  3. Script Purpose : Chief Kaorf
  4. Script Author : neatz09
  5. Script Date : 2023.05.06
  6. Script Notes : Auto-Generated Conversation from PacketParser Data
  7. --]]
  8. require "SpawnScripts/Generic/DialogModule"
  9. function spawn(NPC)
  10. end
  11. function respawn(NPC)
  12. spawn(NPC)
  13. end
  14. function hailed(NPC, Spawn)
  15. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  16. RandomGreeting(NPC, Spawn)
  17. end
  18. function RandomGreeting(NPC, Spawn)
  19. local choice = MakeRandomInt(1,5)
  20. if choice == 1 then
  21. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "Then bring to me the pondstone. You must be ready to fully relinquish it to me. Do not hold the stone tightly, for it is not your only way here.", "", 0, 0, Spawn, 0)
  22. elseif choice == 2 then
  23. PlayFlavor(NPC, "", "You are a stranger to me. Prove yourself to my village, and then we shall talk.", "", 0, 0, Spawn, 0)
  24. elseif choice == 3 then
  25. PlayVoice(NPC, "voiceover/english/voice_emotes/greetings/greetings_1_1024.mp3", 0, 0, Spawn)
  26. elseif choice == 4 then
  27. PlayVoice(NPC, "voiceover/english/voice_emotes/greetings/greetings_3_1024.mp3", 0, 0, Spawn)
  28. elseif choice == 5 then
  29. PlayVoice(NPC, "voiceover/english/voice_emotes/greetings/greetings_2_1024.mp3", 0, 0, Spawn)
  30. end
  31. end
  32. function Dialog1(NPC, Spawn)
  33. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  34. Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn)
  35. Dialog.AddDialog("Of that I have no doubt. However, the time is not yet right. Take with you this talisman. With it, you will be able to return to us when you are ready and, when that time comes, perhaps we too will be ready.")
  36. Dialog.AddOption("How do I get home?")
  37. Dialog.AddOption("I'll see you then.")
  38. Dialog.Start()
  39. end
  40. function Dialog2(NPC, Spawn)
  41. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  42. Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn)
  43. Dialog.AddDialog("Where you first entered the village, there is a sacred portal stone. You may use it to return to your home. Depart now, friend of my people.")
  44. Dialog.AddOption("I hope to see you again soon.")
  45. Dialog.Start()
  46. end
  47. function Dialog3(NPC, Spawn)
  48. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  49. Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn)
  50. Dialog.AddDialog("My greatest dream is that my people will one day be returned to our former glory. If that glory is ever to be restored, we will need great champions.")
  51. Dialog.AddOption("I am a great champion.", "Dialog1")
  52. Dialog.AddOption("Well, that's not me.")
  53. Dialog.Start()
  54. end
  55. function Dialog4(NPC, Spawn)
  56. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  57. Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn)
  58. Dialog.AddDialog("I see you have done much for my village and its people. I thank you.")
  59. Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/voice_emotes/greetings/greetings_1_1024.mp3", 0, 0)
  60. Dialog.AddOption("Is there more I can do?", "Dialog3")
  61. Dialog.AddOption("I have to go.")
  62. Dialog.Start()
  63. end
  64. function Dialog5(NPC, Spawn)
  65. FaceTarget(NPC, Spawn)
  66. Dialog.New(NPC, Spawn)
  67. Dialog.AddDialog("I see you have done much for my village and its people. I thank you.")
  68. Dialog.AddVoiceover("voiceover/english/voice_emotes/greetings/greetings_3_1024.mp3", 0, 0)
  69. Dialog.AddOption("Is there more I can do?", "Dialog3")
  70. Dialog.AddOption("I have to go.")
  71. Dialog.Start()
  72. end