(function(global){ // // Check for native Promise and it has correct interface // var NativePromise = global['Promise']; var nativePromiseSupported = NativePromise && // Some of these methods are missing from // Firefox/Chrome experimental implementations 'resolve' in NativePromise && 'reject' in NativePromise && 'all' in NativePromise && 'race' in NativePromise && // Older version of the spec had a resolver object // as the arg rather than a function (function(){ var resolve; new NativePromise(function(r){ resolve = r; }); return typeof resolve === 'function'; })(); // // export if necessary // if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' && exports) { // node.js exports.Promise = nativePromiseSupported ? NativePromise : Promise; exports.Polyfill = Promise; } else { // AMD if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { define(function(){ return nativePromiseSupported ? NativePromise : Promise; }); } else { // in browser add to global if (!nativePromiseSupported) global['Promise'] = Promise; } } // // Polyfill // var PENDING = 'pending'; var SEALED = 'sealed'; var FULFILLED = 'fulfilled'; var REJECTED = 'rejected'; var NOOP = function(){}; function isArray(value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; } // async calls var asyncSetTimer = typeof setImmediate !== 'undefined' ? setImmediate : setTimeout; var asyncQueue = []; var asyncTimer; function asyncFlush(){ // run promise callbacks for (var i = 0; i < asyncQueue.length; i++) asyncQueue[i][0](asyncQueue[i][1]); // reset async asyncQueue asyncQueue = []; asyncTimer = false; } function asyncCall(callback, arg){ asyncQueue.push([callback, arg]); if (!asyncTimer) { asyncTimer = true; asyncSetTimer(asyncFlush, 0); } } function invokeResolver(resolver, promise) { function resolvePromise(value) { resolve(promise, value); } function rejectPromise(reason) { reject(promise, reason); } try { resolver(resolvePromise, rejectPromise); } catch(e) { rejectPromise(e); } } function invokeCallback(subscriber){ var owner = subscriber.owner; var settled = owner.state_; var value = owner.data_; var callback = subscriber[settled]; var promise = subscriber.then; if (typeof callback === 'function') { settled = FULFILLED; try { value = callback(value); } catch(e) { reject(promise, e); } } if (!handleThenable(promise, value)) { if (settled === FULFILLED) resolve(promise, value); if (settled === REJECTED) reject(promise, value); } } function handleThenable(promise, value) { var resolved; try { if (promise === value) throw new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.'); if (value && (typeof value === 'function' || typeof value === 'object')) { var then = value.then; // then should be retrived only once if (typeof then === 'function') { then.call(value, function(val){ if (!resolved) { resolved = true; if (value !== val) resolve(promise, val); else fulfill(promise, val); } }, function(reason){ if (!resolved) { resolved = true; reject(promise, reason); } }); return true; } } } catch (e) { if (!resolved) reject(promise, e); return true; } return false; } function resolve(promise, value){ if (promise === value || !handleThenable(promise, value)) fulfill(promise, value); } function fulfill(promise, value){ if (promise.state_ === PENDING) { promise.state_ = SEALED; promise.data_ = value; asyncCall(publishFulfillment, promise); } } function reject(promise, reason){ if (promise.state_ === PENDING) { promise.state_ = SEALED; promise.data_ = reason; asyncCall(publishRejection, promise); } } function publish(promise) { var callbacks = promise.then_; promise.then_ = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { invokeCallback(callbacks[i]); } } function publishFulfillment(promise){ promise.state_ = FULFILLED; publish(promise); } function publishRejection(promise){ promise.state_ = REJECTED; publish(promise); } /** * @class */ function Promise(resolver){ if (typeof resolver !== 'function') throw new TypeError('Promise constructor takes a function argument'); if (this instanceof Promise === false) throw new TypeError('Failed to construct \'Promise\': Please use the \'new\' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.'); this.then_ = []; invokeResolver(resolver, this); } Promise.prototype = { constructor: Promise, state_: PENDING, then_: null, data_: undefined, then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection){ var subscriber = { owner: this, then: new this.constructor(NOOP), fulfilled: onFulfillment, rejected: onRejection }; if (this.state_ === FULFILLED || this.state_ === REJECTED) { // already resolved, call callback async asyncCall(invokeCallback, subscriber); } else { // subscribe this.then_.push(subscriber); } return subscriber.then; }, 'catch': function(onRejection) { return this.then(null, onRejection); } }; Promise.all = function(promises){ var Class = this; if (!isArray(promises)) throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to Promise.all().'); return new Class(function(resolve, reject){ var results = []; var remaining = 0; function resolver(index){ remaining++; return function(value){ results[index] = value; if (!--remaining) resolve(results); }; } for (var i = 0, promise; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') promise.then(resolver(i), reject); else results[i] = promise; } if (!remaining) resolve(results); }); }; Promise.race = function(promises){ var Class = this; if (!isArray(promises)) throw new TypeError('You must pass an array to Promise.race().'); return new Class(function(resolve, reject) { for (var i = 0, promise; i < promises.length; i++) { promise = promises[i]; if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') promise.then(resolve, reject); else resolve(promise); } }); }; Promise.resolve = function(value){ var Class = this; if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Class) return value; return new Class(function(resolve){ resolve(value); }); }; Promise.reject = function(reason){ var Class = this; return new Class(function(resolve, reject){ reject(reason); }); }; })(typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : typeof global != 'undefined' ? global : typeof self != 'undefined' ? self : this); /*! * sweetalert2 v9.8.2 * Released under the MIT License. */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.Sweetalert2 = factory()); }(this, function () { 'use strict'; function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function (obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _getPrototypeOf(o) { _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } function isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) return false; if (Reflect.construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { if (isNativeReflectConstruct()) { _construct = Reflect.construct; } else { _construct = function _construct(Parent, args, Class) { var a = [null]; a.push.apply(a, args); var Constructor = Function.bind.apply(Parent, a); var instance = new Constructor(); if (Class) _setPrototypeOf(instance, Class.prototype); return instance; }; } return _construct.apply(null, arguments); } function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); } function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property)) { object = _getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; } function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && Reflect.get) { _get = Reflect.get; } else { _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = _superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return desc.get.call(receiver); } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); } var consolePrefix = 'SweetAlert2:'; /** * Filter the unique values into a new array * @param arr */ var uniqueArray = function uniqueArray(arr) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (result.indexOf(arr[i]) === -1) { result.push(arr[i]); } } return result; }; /** * Capitalize the first letter of a string * @param str */ var capitalizeFirstLetter = function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); }; /** * Returns the array ob object values (Object.values isn't supported in IE11) * @param obj */ var objectValues = function objectValues(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; }); }; /** * Convert NodeList to Array * @param nodeList */ var toArray = function toArray(nodeList) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(nodeList); }; /** * Standardise console warnings * @param message */ var warn = function warn(message) { console.warn("".concat(consolePrefix, " ").concat(message)); }; /** * Standardise console errors * @param message */ var error = function error(message) { console.error("".concat(consolePrefix, " ").concat(message)); }; /** * Private global state for `warnOnce` * @type {Array} * @private */ var previousWarnOnceMessages = []; /** * Show a console warning, but only if it hasn't already been shown * @param message */ var warnOnce = function warnOnce(message) { if (!(previousWarnOnceMessages.indexOf(message) !== -1)) { previousWarnOnceMessages.push(message); warn(message); } }; /** * Show a one-time console warning about deprecated params/methods */ var warnAboutDepreation = function warnAboutDepreation(deprecatedParam, useInstead) { warnOnce("\"".concat(deprecatedParam, "\" is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Please use \"").concat(useInstead, "\" instead.")); }; /** * If `arg` is a function, call it (with no arguments or context) and return the result. * Otherwise, just pass the value through * @param arg */ var callIfFunction = function callIfFunction(arg) { return typeof arg === 'function' ? arg() : arg; }; var isPromise = function isPromise(arg) { return arg && Promise.resolve(arg) === arg; }; var DismissReason = Object.freeze({ cancel: 'cancel', backdrop: 'backdrop', close: 'close', esc: 'esc', timer: 'timer' }); var isJqueryElement = function isJqueryElement(elem) { return _typeof(elem) === 'object' && elem.jquery; }; var isElement = function isElement(elem) { return elem instanceof Element || isJqueryElement(elem); }; var argsToParams = function argsToParams(args) { var params = {}; if (_typeof(args[0]) === 'object' && !isElement(args[0])) { _extends(params, args[0]); } else { ['title', 'html', 'icon'].forEach(function (name, index) { var arg = args[index]; if (typeof arg === 'string' || isElement(arg)) { params[name] = arg; } else if (arg !== undefined) { error("Unexpected type of ".concat(name, "! Expected \"string\" or \"Element\", got ").concat(_typeof(arg))); } }); } return params; }; var swalPrefix = 'swal2-'; var prefix = function prefix(items) { var result = {}; for (var i in items) { result[items[i]] = swalPrefix + items[i]; } return result; }; var swalClasses = prefix(['container', 'shown', 'height-auto', 'iosfix', 'popup', 'modal', 'no-backdrop', 'no-transition', 'toast', 'toast-shown', 'toast-column', 'show', 'hide', 'close', 'title', 'header', 'content', 'html-container', 'actions', 'confirm', 'cancel', 'footer', 'icon', 'icon-content', 'image', 'input', 'file', 'range', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'label', 'textarea', 'inputerror', 'validation-message', 'progress-steps', 'active-progress-step', 'progress-step', 'progress-step-line', 'loading', 'styled', 'top', 'top-start', 'top-end', 'top-left', 'top-right', 'center', 'center-start', 'center-end', 'center-left', 'center-right', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'bottom-end', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'grow-row', 'grow-column', 'grow-fullscreen', 'rtl', 'timer-progress-bar', 'scrollbar-measure', 'icon-success', 'icon-warning', 'icon-info', 'icon-question', 'icon-error']); var iconTypes = prefix(['success', 'warning', 'info', 'question', 'error']); var getContainer = function getContainer() { return document.body.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.container)); }; var elementBySelector = function elementBySelector(selectorString) { var container = getContainer(); return container ? container.querySelector(selectorString) : null; }; var elementByClass = function elementByClass(className) { return elementBySelector(".".concat(className)); }; var getPopup = function getPopup() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.popup); }; var getIcons = function getIcons() { var popup = getPopup(); return toArray(popup.querySelectorAll(".".concat(swalClasses.icon))); }; var getIcon = function getIcon() { var visibleIcon = getIcons().filter(function (icon) { return isVisible(icon); }); return visibleIcon.length ? visibleIcon[0] : null; }; var getTitle = function getTitle() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.title); }; var getContent = function getContent() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.content); }; var getHtmlContainer = function getHtmlContainer() { return elementByClass(swalClasses['html-container']); }; var getImage = function getImage() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.image); }; var getProgressSteps = function getProgressSteps() { return elementByClass(swalClasses['progress-steps']); }; var getValidationMessage = function getValidationMessage() { return elementByClass(swalClasses['validation-message']); }; var getConfirmButton = function getConfirmButton() { return elementBySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.actions, " .").concat(swalClasses.confirm)); }; var getCancelButton = function getCancelButton() { return elementBySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.actions, " .").concat(swalClasses.cancel)); }; var getActions = function getActions() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.actions); }; var getHeader = function getHeader() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.header); }; var getFooter = function getFooter() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.footer); }; var getTimerProgressBar = function getTimerProgressBar() { return elementByClass(swalClasses['timer-progress-bar']); }; var getCloseButton = function getCloseButton() { return elementByClass(swalClasses.close); }; // https://github.com/jkup/focusable/blob/master/index.js var focusable = "\n a[href],\n area[href],\n input:not([disabled]),\n select:not([disabled]),\n textarea:not([disabled]),\n button:not([disabled]),\n iframe,\n object,\n embed,\n [tabindex=\"0\"],\n [contenteditable],\n audio[controls],\n video[controls],\n summary\n"; var getFocusableElements = function getFocusableElements() { var focusableElementsWithTabindex = toArray(getPopup().querySelectorAll('[tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"]):not([tabindex="0"])')) // sort according to tabindex .sort(function (a, b) { a = parseInt(a.getAttribute('tabindex')); b = parseInt(b.getAttribute('tabindex')); if (a > b) { return 1; } else if (a < b) { return -1; } return 0; }); var otherFocusableElements = toArray(getPopup().querySelectorAll(focusable)).filter(function (el) { return el.getAttribute('tabindex') !== '-1'; }); return uniqueArray(focusableElementsWithTabindex.concat(otherFocusableElements)).filter(function (el) { return isVisible(el); }); }; var isModal = function isModal() { return !isToast() && !document.body.classList.contains(swalClasses['no-backdrop']); }; var isToast = function isToast() { return document.body.classList.contains(swalClasses['toast-shown']); }; var isLoading = function isLoading() { return getPopup().hasAttribute('data-loading'); }; var states = { previousBodyPadding: null }; var hasClass = function hasClass(elem, className) { if (!className) { return false; } var classList = className.split(/\s+/); for (var i = 0; i < classList.length; i++) { if (!elem.classList.contains(classList[i])) { return false; } } return true; }; var removeCustomClasses = function removeCustomClasses(elem, params) { toArray(elem.classList).forEach(function (className) { if (!(objectValues(swalClasses).indexOf(className) !== -1) && !(objectValues(iconTypes).indexOf(className) !== -1) && !(objectValues(params.showClass).indexOf(className) !== -1)) { elem.classList.remove(className); } }); }; var applyCustomClass = function applyCustomClass(elem, params, className) { removeCustomClasses(elem, params); if (params.customClass && params.customClass[className]) { if (typeof params.customClass[className] !== 'string' && !params.customClass[className].forEach) { return warn("Invalid type of customClass.".concat(className, "! Expected string or iterable object, got \"").concat(_typeof(params.customClass[className]), "\"")); } addClass(elem, params.customClass[className]); } }; function getInput(content, inputType) { if (!inputType) { return null; } switch (inputType) { case 'select': case 'textarea': case 'file': return getChildByClass(content, swalClasses[inputType]); case 'checkbox': return content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.checkbox, " input")); case 'radio': return content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.radio, " input:checked")) || content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.radio, " input:first-child")); case 'range': return content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.range, " input")); default: return getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.input); } } var focusInput = function focusInput(input) { input.focus(); // place cursor at end of text in text input if (input.type !== 'file') { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/2345915 var val = input.value; input.value = ''; input.value = val; } }; var toggleClass = function toggleClass(target, classList, condition) { if (!target || !classList) { return; } if (typeof classList === 'string') { classList = classList.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean); } classList.forEach(function (className) { if (target.forEach) { target.forEach(function (elem) { condition ? elem.classList.add(className) : elem.classList.remove(className); }); } else { condition ? target.classList.add(className) : target.classList.remove(className); } }); }; var addClass = function addClass(target, classList) { toggleClass(target, classList, true); }; var removeClass = function removeClass(target, classList) { toggleClass(target, classList, false); }; var getChildByClass = function getChildByClass(elem, className) { for (var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) { if (hasClass(elem.childNodes[i], className)) { return elem.childNodes[i]; } } }; var applyNumericalStyle = function applyNumericalStyle(elem, property, value) { if (value || parseInt(value) === 0) { elem.style[property] = typeof value === 'number' ? "".concat(value, "px") : value; } else { elem.style.removeProperty(property); } }; var show = function show(elem) { var display = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'flex'; elem.style.opacity = ''; elem.style.display = display; }; var hide = function hide(elem) { elem.style.opacity = ''; elem.style.display = 'none'; }; var toggle = function toggle(elem, condition, display) { condition ? show(elem, display) : hide(elem); }; // borrowed from jquery $(elem).is(':visible') implementation var isVisible = function isVisible(elem) { return !!(elem && (elem.offsetWidth || elem.offsetHeight || elem.getClientRects().length)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var isScrollable = function isScrollable(elem) { return !!(elem.scrollHeight > elem.clientHeight); }; // borrowed from https://stackoverflow.com/a/46352119 var hasCssAnimation = function hasCssAnimation(elem) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(elem); var animDuration = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('animation-duration') || '0'); var transDuration = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('transition-duration') || '0'); return animDuration > 0 || transDuration > 0; }; var contains = function contains(haystack, needle) { if (typeof haystack.contains === 'function') { return haystack.contains(needle); } }; var animateTimerProgressBar = function animateTimerProgressBar(timer) { var reset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false; var timerProgressBar = getTimerProgressBar(); if (isVisible(timerProgressBar)) { if (reset) { timerProgressBar.style.transition = 'none'; timerProgressBar.style.width = '100%'; } setTimeout(function () { timerProgressBar.style.transition = "width ".concat(timer / 1000, "s linear"); timerProgressBar.style.width = '0%'; }, 10); } }; var stopTimerProgressBar = function stopTimerProgressBar() { var timerProgressBar = getTimerProgressBar(); var timerProgressBarWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(timerProgressBar).width); timerProgressBar.style.removeProperty('transition'); timerProgressBar.style.width = '100%'; var timerProgressBarFullWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(timerProgressBar).width); var timerProgressBarPercent = parseInt(timerProgressBarWidth / timerProgressBarFullWidth * 100); timerProgressBar.style.removeProperty('transition'); timerProgressBar.style.width = "".concat(timerProgressBarPercent, "%"); }; // Detect Node env var isNodeEnv = function isNodeEnv() { return typeof window === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined'; }; var sweetHTML = "\n
\n \n
\n \n

\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n").replace(/(^|\n)\s*/g, ''); var resetOldContainer = function resetOldContainer() { var oldContainer = getContainer(); if (!oldContainer) { return false; } oldContainer.parentNode.removeChild(oldContainer); removeClass([document.documentElement, document.body], [swalClasses['no-backdrop'], swalClasses['toast-shown'], swalClasses['has-column']]); return true; }; var oldInputVal; // IE11 workaround, see #1109 for details var resetValidationMessage = function resetValidationMessage(e) { if (Swal.isVisible() && oldInputVal !== e.target.value) { Swal.resetValidationMessage(); } oldInputVal = e.target.value; }; var addInputChangeListeners = function addInputChangeListeners() { var content = getContent(); var input = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.input); var file = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.file); var range = content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.range, " input")); var rangeOutput = content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.range, " output")); var select = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.select); var checkbox = content.querySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.checkbox, " input")); var textarea = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.textarea); input.oninput = resetValidationMessage; file.onchange = resetValidationMessage; select.onchange = resetValidationMessage; checkbox.onchange = resetValidationMessage; textarea.oninput = resetValidationMessage; range.oninput = function (e) { resetValidationMessage(e); rangeOutput.value = range.value; }; range.onchange = function (e) { resetValidationMessage(e); range.nextSibling.value = range.value; }; }; var getTarget = function getTarget(target) { return typeof target === 'string' ? document.querySelector(target) : target; }; var setupAccessibility = function setupAccessibility(params) { var popup = getPopup(); popup.setAttribute('role', params.toast ? 'alert' : 'dialog'); popup.setAttribute('aria-live', params.toast ? 'polite' : 'assertive'); if (!params.toast) { popup.setAttribute('aria-modal', 'true'); } }; var setupRTL = function setupRTL(targetElement) { if (window.getComputedStyle(targetElement).direction === 'rtl') { addClass(getContainer(), swalClasses.rtl); } }; /* * Add modal + backdrop to DOM */ var init = function init(params) { // Clean up the old popup container if it exists var oldContainerExisted = resetOldContainer(); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (isNodeEnv()) { error('SweetAlert2 requires document to initialize'); return; } var container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = swalClasses.container; if (oldContainerExisted) { addClass(container, swalClasses['no-transition']); } container.innerHTML = sweetHTML; var targetElement = getTarget(params.target); targetElement.appendChild(container); setupAccessibility(params); setupRTL(targetElement); addInputChangeListeners(); }; var parseHtmlToContainer = function parseHtmlToContainer(param, target) { // DOM element if (param instanceof HTMLElement) { target.appendChild(param); // Object } else if (_typeof(param) === 'object') { handleObject(param, target); // Plain string } else if (param) { target.innerHTML = param; } }; var handleObject = function handleObject(param, target) { // JQuery element(s) if (param.jquery) { handleJqueryElem(target, param); // For other objects use their string representation } else { target.innerHTML = param.toString(); } }; var handleJqueryElem = function handleJqueryElem(target, elem) { target.innerHTML = ''; if (0 in elem) { for (var i = 0; i in elem; i++) { target.appendChild(elem[i].cloneNode(true)); } } else { target.appendChild(elem.cloneNode(true)); } }; var animationEndEvent = function () { // Prevent run in Node env /* istanbul ignore if */ if (isNodeEnv()) { return false; } var testEl = document.createElement('div'); var transEndEventNames = { WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd', OAnimation: 'oAnimationEnd oanimationend', animation: 'animationend' }; for (var i in transEndEventNames) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(transEndEventNames, i) && typeof testEl.style[i] !== 'undefined') { return transEndEventNames[i]; } } return false; }(); // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/js/src/modal.js var measureScrollbar = function measureScrollbar() { var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div'); scrollDiv.className = swalClasses['scrollbar-measure']; document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv); var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width - scrollDiv.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv); return scrollbarWidth; }; var renderActions = function renderActions(instance, params) { var actions = getActions(); var confirmButton = getConfirmButton(); var cancelButton = getCancelButton(); // Actions (buttons) wrapper if (!params.showConfirmButton && !params.showCancelButton) { hide(actions); } // Custom class applyCustomClass(actions, params, 'actions'); // Render confirm button renderButton(confirmButton, 'confirm', params); // render Cancel Button renderButton(cancelButton, 'cancel', params); if (params.buttonsStyling) { handleButtonsStyling(confirmButton, cancelButton, params); } else { removeClass([confirmButton, cancelButton], swalClasses.styled); confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = confirmButton.style.borderLeftColor = confirmButton.style.borderRightColor = ''; cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = cancelButton.style.borderLeftColor = cancelButton.style.borderRightColor = ''; } if (params.reverseButtons) { confirmButton.parentNode.insertBefore(cancelButton, confirmButton); } }; function handleButtonsStyling(confirmButton, cancelButton, params) { addClass([confirmButton, cancelButton], swalClasses.styled); // Buttons background colors if (params.confirmButtonColor) { confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = params.confirmButtonColor; } if (params.cancelButtonColor) { cancelButton.style.backgroundColor = params.cancelButtonColor; } // Loading state var confirmButtonBackgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(confirmButton).getPropertyValue('background-color'); confirmButton.style.borderLeftColor = confirmButtonBackgroundColor; confirmButton.style.borderRightColor = confirmButtonBackgroundColor; } function renderButton(button, buttonType, params) { toggle(button, params["show".concat(capitalizeFirstLetter(buttonType), "Button")], 'inline-block'); button.innerHTML = params["".concat(buttonType, "ButtonText")]; // Set caption text button.setAttribute('aria-label', params["".concat(buttonType, "ButtonAriaLabel")]); // ARIA label // Add buttons custom classes button.className = swalClasses[buttonType]; applyCustomClass(button, params, "".concat(buttonType, "Button")); addClass(button, params["".concat(buttonType, "ButtonClass")]); } function handleBackdropParam(container, backdrop) { if (typeof backdrop === 'string') { container.style.background = backdrop; } else if (!backdrop) { addClass([document.documentElement, document.body], swalClasses['no-backdrop']); } } function handlePositionParam(container, position) { if (position in swalClasses) { addClass(container, swalClasses[position]); } else { warn('The "position" parameter is not valid, defaulting to "center"'); addClass(container, swalClasses.center); } } function handleGrowParam(container, grow) { if (grow && typeof grow === 'string') { var growClass = "grow-".concat(grow); if (growClass in swalClasses) { addClass(container, swalClasses[growClass]); } } } var renderContainer = function renderContainer(instance, params) { var container = getContainer(); if (!container) { return; } handleBackdropParam(container, params.backdrop); if (!params.backdrop && params.allowOutsideClick) { warn('"allowOutsideClick" parameter requires `backdrop` parameter to be set to `true`'); } handlePositionParam(container, params.position); handleGrowParam(container, params.grow); // Custom class applyCustomClass(container, params, 'container'); // Set queue step attribute for getQueueStep() method var queueStep = document.body.getAttribute('data-swal2-queue-step'); if (queueStep) { container.setAttribute('data-queue-step', queueStep); document.body.removeAttribute('data-swal2-queue-step'); } }; /** * This module containts `WeakMap`s for each effectively-"private property" that a `Swal` has. * For example, to set the private property "foo" of `this` to "bar", you can `privateProps.foo.set(this, 'bar')` * This is the approach that Babel will probably take to implement private methods/fields * https://github.com/tc39/proposal-private-methods * https://github.com/babel/babel/pull/7555 * Once we have the changes from that PR in Babel, and our core class fits reasonable in *one module* * then we can use that language feature. */ var privateProps = { promise: new WeakMap(), innerParams: new WeakMap(), domCache: new WeakMap() }; var inputTypes = ['input', 'file', 'range', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'textarea']; var renderInput = function renderInput(instance, params) { var content = getContent(); var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); var rerender = !innerParams || params.input !== innerParams.input; inputTypes.forEach(function (inputType) { var inputClass = swalClasses[inputType]; var inputContainer = getChildByClass(content, inputClass); // set attributes setAttributes(inputType, params.inputAttributes); // set class inputContainer.className = inputClass; if (rerender) { hide(inputContainer); } }); if (params.input) { if (rerender) { showInput(params); } // set custom class setCustomClass(params); } }; var showInput = function showInput(params) { if (!renderInputType[params.input]) { return error("Unexpected type of input! Expected \"text\", \"email\", \"password\", \"number\", \"tel\", \"select\", \"radio\", \"checkbox\", \"textarea\", \"file\" or \"url\", got \"".concat(params.input, "\"")); } var inputContainer = getInputContainer(params.input); var input = renderInputType[params.input](inputContainer, params); show(input); // input autofocus setTimeout(function () { focusInput(input); }); }; var removeAttributes = function removeAttributes(input) { for (var i = 0; i < input.attributes.length; i++) { var attrName = input.attributes[i].name; if (!(['type', 'value', 'style'].indexOf(attrName) !== -1)) { input.removeAttribute(attrName); } } }; var setAttributes = function setAttributes(inputType, inputAttributes) { var input = getInput(getContent(), inputType); if (!input) { return; } removeAttributes(input); for (var attr in inputAttributes) { // Do not set a placeholder for // it'll crash Edge, #1298 if (inputType === 'range' && attr === 'placeholder') { continue; } input.setAttribute(attr, inputAttributes[attr]); } }; var setCustomClass = function setCustomClass(params) { var inputContainer = getInputContainer(params.input); if (params.customClass) { addClass(inputContainer, params.customClass.input); } }; var setInputPlaceholder = function setInputPlaceholder(input, params) { if (!input.placeholder || params.inputPlaceholder) { input.placeholder = params.inputPlaceholder; } }; var getInputContainer = function getInputContainer(inputType) { var inputClass = swalClasses[inputType] ? swalClasses[inputType] : swalClasses.input; return getChildByClass(getContent(), inputClass); }; var renderInputType = {}; renderInputType.text = renderInputType.email = renderInputType.password = renderInputType.number = renderInputType.tel = renderInputType.url = function (input, params) { if (typeof params.inputValue === 'string' || typeof params.inputValue === 'number') { input.value = params.inputValue; } else if (!isPromise(params.inputValue)) { warn("Unexpected type of inputValue! Expected \"string\", \"number\" or \"Promise\", got \"".concat(_typeof(params.inputValue), "\"")); } setInputPlaceholder(input, params); input.type = params.input; return input; }; renderInputType.file = function (input, params) { setInputPlaceholder(input, params); return input; }; renderInputType.range = function (range, params) { var rangeInput = range.querySelector('input'); var rangeOutput = range.querySelector('output'); rangeInput.value = params.inputValue; rangeInput.type = params.input; rangeOutput.value = params.inputValue; return range; }; renderInputType.select = function (select, params) { select.innerHTML = ''; if (params.inputPlaceholder) { var placeholder = document.createElement('option'); placeholder.innerHTML = params.inputPlaceholder; placeholder.value = ''; placeholder.disabled = true; placeholder.selected = true; select.appendChild(placeholder); } return select; }; renderInputType.radio = function (radio) { radio.innerHTML = ''; return radio; }; renderInputType.checkbox = function (checkboxContainer, params) { var checkbox = getInput(getContent(), 'checkbox'); checkbox.value = 1; checkbox.id = swalClasses.checkbox; checkbox.checked = Boolean(params.inputValue); var label = checkboxContainer.querySelector('span'); label.innerHTML = params.inputPlaceholder; return checkboxContainer; }; renderInputType.textarea = function (textarea, params) { textarea.value = params.inputValue; setInputPlaceholder(textarea, params); if ('MutationObserver' in window) { // #1699 var initialPopupWidth = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(getPopup()).width); var popupPadding = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(getPopup()).paddingLeft) + parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(getPopup()).paddingRight); var outputsize = function outputsize() { var contentWidth = textarea.offsetWidth + popupPadding; if (contentWidth > initialPopupWidth) { getPopup().style.width = "".concat(contentWidth, "px"); } else { getPopup().style.width = null; } }; new MutationObserver(outputsize).observe(textarea, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); } return textarea; }; var renderContent = function renderContent(instance, params) { var content = getContent().querySelector("#".concat(swalClasses.content)); // Content as HTML if (params.html) { parseHtmlToContainer(params.html, content); show(content, 'block'); // Content as plain text } else if (params.text) { content.textContent = params.text; show(content, 'block'); // No content } else { hide(content); } renderInput(instance, params); // Custom class applyCustomClass(getContent(), params, 'content'); }; var renderFooter = function renderFooter(instance, params) { var footer = getFooter(); toggle(footer, params.footer); if (params.footer) { parseHtmlToContainer(params.footer, footer); } // Custom class applyCustomClass(footer, params, 'footer'); }; var renderCloseButton = function renderCloseButton(instance, params) { var closeButton = getCloseButton(); closeButton.innerHTML = params.closeButtonHtml; // Custom class applyCustomClass(closeButton, params, 'closeButton'); toggle(closeButton, params.showCloseButton); closeButton.setAttribute('aria-label', params.closeButtonAriaLabel); }; var renderIcon = function renderIcon(instance, params) { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); // if the give icon already rendered, apply the custom class without re-rendering the icon if (innerParams && params.icon === innerParams.icon && getIcon()) { applyCustomClass(getIcon(), params, 'icon'); return; } hideAllIcons(); if (!params.icon) { return; } if (Object.keys(iconTypes).indexOf(params.icon) !== -1) { var icon = elementBySelector(".".concat(swalClasses.icon, ".").concat(iconTypes[params.icon])); show(icon); // Custom or default content setContent(icon, params); adjustSuccessIconBackgoundColor(); // Custom class applyCustomClass(icon, params, 'icon'); // Animate icon addClass(icon, params.showClass.icon); } else { error("Unknown icon! Expected \"success\", \"error\", \"warning\", \"info\" or \"question\", got \"".concat(params.icon, "\"")); } }; var hideAllIcons = function hideAllIcons() { var icons = getIcons(); for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { hide(icons[i]); } }; // Adjust success icon background color to match the popup background color var adjustSuccessIconBackgoundColor = function adjustSuccessIconBackgoundColor() { var popup = getPopup(); var popupBackgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(popup).getPropertyValue('background-color'); var successIconParts = popup.querySelectorAll('[class^=swal2-success-circular-line], .swal2-success-fix'); for (var i = 0; i < successIconParts.length; i++) { successIconParts[i].style.backgroundColor = popupBackgroundColor; } }; var setContent = function setContent(icon, params) { icon.innerHTML = ''; if (params.iconHtml) { icon.innerHTML = iconContent(params.iconHtml); } else if (params.icon === 'success') { icon.innerHTML = "\n
\n \n
\n "; } else if (params.icon === 'error') { icon.innerHTML = "\n \n \n \n \n "; } else { var defaultIconHtml = { question: '?', warning: '!', info: 'i' }; icon.innerHTML = iconContent(defaultIconHtml[params.icon]); } }; var iconContent = function iconContent(content) { return "
").concat(content, "
"); }; var renderImage = function renderImage(instance, params) { var image = getImage(); if (!params.imageUrl) { return hide(image); } show(image); // Src, alt image.setAttribute('src', params.imageUrl); image.setAttribute('alt', params.imageAlt); // Width, height applyNumericalStyle(image, 'width', params.imageWidth); applyNumericalStyle(image, 'height', params.imageHeight); // Class image.className = swalClasses.image; applyCustomClass(image, params, 'image'); }; var currentSteps = []; /* * Global function for chaining sweetAlert popups */ var queue = function queue(steps) { var Swal = this; currentSteps = steps; var resetAndResolve = function resetAndResolve(resolve, value) { currentSteps = []; resolve(value); }; var queueResult = []; return new Promise(function (resolve) { (function step(i, callback) { if (i < currentSteps.length) { document.body.setAttribute('data-swal2-queue-step', i); Swal.fire(currentSteps[i]).then(function (result) { if (typeof result.value !== 'undefined') { queueResult.push(result.value); step(i + 1, callback); } else { resetAndResolve(resolve, { dismiss: result.dismiss }); } }); } else { resetAndResolve(resolve, { value: queueResult }); } })(0); }); }; /* * Global function for getting the index of current popup in queue */ var getQueueStep = function getQueueStep() { return getContainer().getAttribute('data-queue-step'); }; /* * Global function for inserting a popup to the queue */ var insertQueueStep = function insertQueueStep(step, index) { if (index && index < currentSteps.length) { return currentSteps.splice(index, 0, step); } return currentSteps.push(step); }; /* * Global function for deleting a popup from the queue */ var deleteQueueStep = function deleteQueueStep(index) { if (typeof currentSteps[index] !== 'undefined') { currentSteps.splice(index, 1); } }; var createStepElement = function createStepElement(step) { var stepEl = document.createElement('li'); addClass(stepEl, swalClasses['progress-step']); stepEl.innerHTML = step; return stepEl; }; var createLineElement = function createLineElement(params) { var lineEl = document.createElement('li'); addClass(lineEl, swalClasses['progress-step-line']); if (params.progressStepsDistance) { lineEl.style.width = params.progressStepsDistance; } return lineEl; }; var renderProgressSteps = function renderProgressSteps(instance, params) { var progressStepsContainer = getProgressSteps(); if (!params.progressSteps || params.progressSteps.length === 0) { return hide(progressStepsContainer); } show(progressStepsContainer); progressStepsContainer.innerHTML = ''; var currentProgressStep = parseInt(params.currentProgressStep === undefined ? getQueueStep() : params.currentProgressStep); if (currentProgressStep >= params.progressSteps.length) { warn('Invalid currentProgressStep parameter, it should be less than progressSteps.length ' + '(currentProgressStep like JS arrays starts from 0)'); } params.progressSteps.forEach(function (step, index) { var stepEl = createStepElement(step); progressStepsContainer.appendChild(stepEl); if (index === currentProgressStep) { addClass(stepEl, swalClasses['active-progress-step']); } if (index !== params.progressSteps.length - 1) { var lineEl = createLineElement(step); progressStepsContainer.appendChild(lineEl); } }); }; var renderTitle = function renderTitle(instance, params) { var title = getTitle(); toggle(title, params.title || params.titleText); if (params.title) { parseHtmlToContainer(params.title, title); } if (params.titleText) { title.innerText = params.titleText; } // Custom class applyCustomClass(title, params, 'title'); }; var renderHeader = function renderHeader(instance, params) { var header = getHeader(); // Custom class applyCustomClass(header, params, 'header'); // Progress steps renderProgressSteps(instance, params); // Icon renderIcon(instance, params); // Image renderImage(instance, params); // Title renderTitle(instance, params); // Close button renderCloseButton(instance, params); }; var renderPopup = function renderPopup(instance, params) { var popup = getPopup(); // Width applyNumericalStyle(popup, 'width', params.width); // Padding applyNumericalStyle(popup, 'padding', params.padding); // Background if (params.background) { popup.style.background = params.background; } // Classes addClasses(popup, params); }; var addClasses = function addClasses(popup, params) { // Default Class + showClass when updating Swal.update({}) popup.className = "".concat(swalClasses.popup, " ").concat(isVisible(popup) ? params.showClass.popup : ''); if (params.toast) { addClass([document.documentElement, document.body], swalClasses['toast-shown']); addClass(popup, swalClasses.toast); } else { addClass(popup, swalClasses.modal); } // Custom class applyCustomClass(popup, params, 'popup'); if (typeof params.customClass === 'string') { addClass(popup, params.customClass); } // Icon class (#1842) if (params.icon) { addClass(popup, swalClasses["icon-".concat(params.icon)]); } }; var render = function render(instance, params) { renderPopup(instance, params); renderContainer(instance, params); renderHeader(instance, params); renderContent(instance, params); renderActions(instance, params); renderFooter(instance, params); if (typeof params.onRender === 'function') { params.onRender(getPopup()); } }; /* * Global function to determine if SweetAlert2 popup is shown */ var isVisible$1 = function isVisible$$1() { return isVisible(getPopup()); }; /* * Global function to click 'Confirm' button */ var clickConfirm = function clickConfirm() { return getConfirmButton() && getConfirmButton().click(); }; /* * Global function to click 'Cancel' button */ var clickCancel = function clickCancel() { return getCancelButton() && getCancelButton().click(); }; function fire() { var Swal = this; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return _construct(Swal, args); } /** * Returns an extended version of `Swal` containing `params` as defaults. * Useful for reusing Swal configuration. * * For example: * * Before: * const textPromptOptions = { input: 'text', showCancelButton: true } * const {value: firstName} = await Swal.fire({ ...textPromptOptions, title: 'What is your first name?' }) * const {value: lastName} = await Swal.fire({ ...textPromptOptions, title: 'What is your last name?' }) * * After: * const TextPrompt = Swal.mixin({ input: 'text', showCancelButton: true }) * const {value: firstName} = await TextPrompt('What is your first name?') * const {value: lastName} = await TextPrompt('What is your last name?') * * @param mixinParams */ function mixin(mixinParams) { var MixinSwal = /*#__PURE__*/ function (_this) { _inherits(MixinSwal, _this); function MixinSwal() { _classCallCheck(this, MixinSwal); return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(MixinSwal).apply(this, arguments)); } _createClass(MixinSwal, [{ key: "_main", value: function _main(params) { return _get(_getPrototypeOf(MixinSwal.prototype), "_main", this).call(this, _extends({}, mixinParams, params)); } }]); return MixinSwal; }(this); return MixinSwal; } /** * Show spinner instead of Confirm button */ var showLoading = function showLoading() { var popup = getPopup(); if (!popup) { Swal.fire(); } popup = getPopup(); var actions = getActions(); var confirmButton = getConfirmButton(); show(actions); show(confirmButton, 'inline-block'); addClass([popup, actions], swalClasses.loading); confirmButton.disabled = true; popup.setAttribute('data-loading', true); popup.setAttribute('aria-busy', true); popup.focus(); }; var RESTORE_FOCUS_TIMEOUT = 100; var globalState = {}; var focusPreviousActiveElement = function focusPreviousActiveElement() { if (globalState.previousActiveElement && globalState.previousActiveElement.focus) { globalState.previousActiveElement.focus(); globalState.previousActiveElement = null; } else if (document.body) { document.body.focus(); } }; // Restore previous active (focused) element var restoreActiveElement = function restoreActiveElement() { return new Promise(function (resolve) { var x = window.scrollX; var y = window.scrollY; globalState.restoreFocusTimeout = setTimeout(function () { focusPreviousActiveElement(); resolve(); }, RESTORE_FOCUS_TIMEOUT); // issues/900 /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof x !== 'undefined' && typeof y !== 'undefined') { // IE doesn't have scrollX/scrollY support window.scrollTo(x, y); } }); }; /** * If `timer` parameter is set, returns number of milliseconds of timer remained. * Otherwise, returns undefined. */ var getTimerLeft = function getTimerLeft() { return globalState.timeout && globalState.timeout.getTimerLeft(); }; /** * Stop timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained. * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns undefined. */ var stopTimer = function stopTimer() { if (globalState.timeout) { stopTimerProgressBar(); return globalState.timeout.stop(); } }; /** * Resume timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained. * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns undefined. */ var resumeTimer = function resumeTimer() { if (globalState.timeout) { var remaining = globalState.timeout.start(); animateTimerProgressBar(remaining); return remaining; } }; /** * Resume timer. Returns number of milliseconds of timer remained. * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns undefined. */ var toggleTimer = function toggleTimer() { var timer = globalState.timeout; return timer && (timer.running ? stopTimer() : resumeTimer()); }; /** * Increase timer. Returns number of milliseconds of an updated timer. * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns undefined. */ var increaseTimer = function increaseTimer(n) { if (globalState.timeout) { var remaining = globalState.timeout.increase(n); animateTimerProgressBar(remaining, true); return remaining; } }; /** * Check if timer is running. Returns true if timer is running * or false if timer is paused or stopped. * If `timer` parameter isn't set, returns undefined */ var isTimerRunning = function isTimerRunning() { return globalState.timeout && globalState.timeout.isRunning(); }; var defaultParams = { title: '', titleText: '', text: '', html: '', footer: '', icon: undefined, iconHtml: undefined, toast: false, animation: true, showClass: { popup: 'swal2-show', backdrop: 'swal2-backdrop-show', icon: 'swal2-icon-show' }, hideClass: { popup: 'swal2-hide', backdrop: 'swal2-backdrop-hide', icon: 'swal2-icon-hide' }, customClass: undefined, target: 'body', backdrop: true, heightAuto: true, allowOutsideClick: true, allowEscapeKey: true, allowEnterKey: true, stopKeydownPropagation: true, keydownListenerCapture: false, showConfirmButton: true, showCancelButton: false, preConfirm: undefined, confirmButtonText: 'OK', confirmButtonAriaLabel: '', confirmButtonColor: undefined, cancelButtonText: 'Cancel', cancelButtonAriaLabel: '', cancelButtonColor: undefined, buttonsStyling: true, reverseButtons: false, focusConfirm: true, focusCancel: false, showCloseButton: false, closeButtonHtml: '×', closeButtonAriaLabel: 'Close this dialog', showLoaderOnConfirm: false, imageUrl: undefined, imageWidth: undefined, imageHeight: undefined, imageAlt: '', timer: undefined, timerProgressBar: false, width: undefined, padding: undefined, background: undefined, input: undefined, inputPlaceholder: '', inputValue: '', inputOptions: {}, inputAutoTrim: true, inputAttributes: {}, inputValidator: undefined, validationMessage: undefined, grow: false, position: 'center', progressSteps: [], currentProgressStep: undefined, progressStepsDistance: undefined, onBeforeOpen: undefined, onOpen: undefined, onRender: undefined, onClose: undefined, onAfterClose: undefined, onDestroy: undefined, scrollbarPadding: true }; var updatableParams = ['title', 'titleText', 'text', 'html', 'icon', 'customClass', 'allowOutsideClick', 'allowEscapeKey', 'showConfirmButton', 'showCancelButton', 'confirmButtonText', 'confirmButtonAriaLabel', 'confirmButtonColor', 'cancelButtonText', 'cancelButtonAriaLabel', 'cancelButtonColor', 'buttonsStyling', 'reverseButtons', 'imageUrl', 'imageWidth', 'imageHeight', 'imageAlt', 'progressSteps', 'currentProgressStep']; var deprecatedParams = { animation: 'showClass" and "hideClass' }; var toastIncompatibleParams = ['allowOutsideClick', 'allowEnterKey', 'backdrop', 'focusConfirm', 'focusCancel', 'heightAuto', 'keydownListenerCapture']; /** * Is valid parameter * @param {String} paramName */ var isValidParameter = function isValidParameter(paramName) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(defaultParams, paramName); }; /** * Is valid parameter for Swal.update() method * @param {String} paramName */ var isUpdatableParameter = function isUpdatableParameter(paramName) { return updatableParams.indexOf(paramName) !== -1; }; /** * Is deprecated parameter * @param {String} paramName */ var isDeprecatedParameter = function isDeprecatedParameter(paramName) { return deprecatedParams[paramName]; }; var checkIfParamIsValid = function checkIfParamIsValid(param) { if (!isValidParameter(param)) { warn("Unknown parameter \"".concat(param, "\"")); } }; var checkIfToastParamIsValid = function checkIfToastParamIsValid(param) { if (toastIncompatibleParams.indexOf(param) !== -1) { warn("The parameter \"".concat(param, "\" is incompatible with toasts")); } }; var checkIfParamIsDeprecated = function checkIfParamIsDeprecated(param) { if (isDeprecatedParameter(param)) { warnAboutDepreation(param, isDeprecatedParameter(param)); } }; /** * Show relevant warnings for given params * * @param params */ var showWarningsForParams = function showWarningsForParams(params) { for (var param in params) { checkIfParamIsValid(param); if (params.toast) { checkIfToastParamIsValid(param); } checkIfParamIsDeprecated(param); } }; var staticMethods = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ isValidParameter: isValidParameter, isUpdatableParameter: isUpdatableParameter, isDeprecatedParameter: isDeprecatedParameter, argsToParams: argsToParams, isVisible: isVisible$1, clickConfirm: clickConfirm, clickCancel: clickCancel, getContainer: getContainer, getPopup: getPopup, getTitle: getTitle, getContent: getContent, getHtmlContainer: getHtmlContainer, getImage: getImage, getIcon: getIcon, getIcons: getIcons, getCloseButton: getCloseButton, getActions: getActions, getConfirmButton: getConfirmButton, getCancelButton: getCancelButton, getHeader: getHeader, getFooter: getFooter, getTimerProgressBar: getTimerProgressBar, getFocusableElements: getFocusableElements, getValidationMessage: getValidationMessage, isLoading: isLoading, fire: fire, mixin: mixin, queue: queue, getQueueStep: getQueueStep, insertQueueStep: insertQueueStep, deleteQueueStep: deleteQueueStep, showLoading: showLoading, enableLoading: showLoading, getTimerLeft: getTimerLeft, stopTimer: stopTimer, resumeTimer: resumeTimer, toggleTimer: toggleTimer, increaseTimer: increaseTimer, isTimerRunning: isTimerRunning }); /** * Enables buttons and hide loader. */ function hideLoading() { // do nothing if popup is closed var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(this); if (!innerParams) { return; } var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(this); if (!innerParams.showConfirmButton) { hide(domCache.confirmButton); if (!innerParams.showCancelButton) { hide(domCache.actions); } } removeClass([domCache.popup, domCache.actions], swalClasses.loading); domCache.popup.removeAttribute('aria-busy'); domCache.popup.removeAttribute('data-loading'); domCache.confirmButton.disabled = false; domCache.cancelButton.disabled = false; } function getInput$1(instance) { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance || this); var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(instance || this); if (!domCache) { return null; } return getInput(domCache.content, innerParams.input); } var fixScrollbar = function fixScrollbar() { // for queues, do not do this more than once if (states.previousBodyPadding !== null) { return; } // if the body has overflow if (document.body.scrollHeight > window.innerHeight) { // add padding so the content doesn't shift after removal of scrollbar states.previousBodyPadding = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue('padding-right')); document.body.style.paddingRight = "".concat(states.previousBodyPadding + measureScrollbar(), "px"); } }; var undoScrollbar = function undoScrollbar() { if (states.previousBodyPadding !== null) { document.body.style.paddingRight = "".concat(states.previousBodyPadding, "px"); states.previousBodyPadding = null; } }; /* istanbul ignore file */ var iOSfix = function iOSfix() { var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.MSStream || navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1; if (iOS && !hasClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix)) { var offset = document.body.scrollTop; document.body.style.top = "".concat(offset * -1, "px"); addClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix); lockBodyScroll(); } }; var lockBodyScroll = function lockBodyScroll() { // #1246 var container = getContainer(); var preventTouchMove; container.ontouchstart = function (e) { preventTouchMove = e.target === container || !isScrollable(container) && e.target.tagName !== 'INPUT' // #1603 ; }; container.ontouchmove = function (e) { if (preventTouchMove) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }; }; var undoIOSfix = function undoIOSfix() { if (hasClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix)) { var offset = parseInt(document.body.style.top, 10); removeClass(document.body, swalClasses.iosfix); document.body.style.top = ''; document.body.scrollTop = offset * -1; } }; /* istanbul ignore file */ var isIE11 = function isIE11() { return !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode; }; // Fix IE11 centering sweetalert2/issues/933 var fixVerticalPositionIE = function fixVerticalPositionIE() { var container = getContainer(); var popup = getPopup(); container.style.removeProperty('align-items'); if (popup.offsetTop < 0) { container.style.alignItems = 'flex-start'; } }; var IEfix = function IEfix() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && isIE11()) { fixVerticalPositionIE(); window.addEventListener('resize', fixVerticalPositionIE); } }; var undoIEfix = function undoIEfix() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && isIE11()) { window.removeEventListener('resize', fixVerticalPositionIE); } }; // Adding aria-hidden="true" to elements outside of the active modal dialog ensures that // elements not within the active modal dialog will not be surfaced if a user opens a screen // reader’s list of elements (headings, form controls, landmarks, etc.) in the document. var setAriaHidden = function setAriaHidden() { var bodyChildren = toArray(document.body.children); bodyChildren.forEach(function (el) { if (el === getContainer() || contains(el, getContainer())) { return; } if (el.hasAttribute('aria-hidden')) { el.setAttribute('data-previous-aria-hidden', el.getAttribute('aria-hidden')); } el.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); }); }; var unsetAriaHidden = function unsetAriaHidden() { var bodyChildren = toArray(document.body.children); bodyChildren.forEach(function (el) { if (el.hasAttribute('data-previous-aria-hidden')) { el.setAttribute('aria-hidden', el.getAttribute('data-previous-aria-hidden')); el.removeAttribute('data-previous-aria-hidden'); } else { el.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); } }); }; /** * This module containts `WeakMap`s for each effectively-"private property" that a `Swal` has. * For example, to set the private property "foo" of `this` to "bar", you can `privateProps.foo.set(this, 'bar')` * This is the approach that Babel will probably take to implement private methods/fields * https://github.com/tc39/proposal-private-methods * https://github.com/babel/babel/pull/7555 * Once we have the changes from that PR in Babel, and our core class fits reasonable in *one module* * then we can use that language feature. */ var privateMethods = { swalPromiseResolve: new WeakMap() }; /* * Instance method to close sweetAlert */ function removePopupAndResetState(instance, container, isToast$$1, onAfterClose) { if (isToast$$1) { triggerOnAfterCloseAndDispose(instance, onAfterClose); } else { restoreActiveElement().then(function () { return triggerOnAfterCloseAndDispose(instance, onAfterClose); }); globalState.keydownTarget.removeEventListener('keydown', globalState.keydownHandler, { capture: globalState.keydownListenerCapture }); globalState.keydownHandlerAdded = false; } if (container.parentNode && !document.body.getAttribute('data-swal2-queue-step')) { container.parentNode.removeChild(container); } if (isModal()) { undoScrollbar(); undoIOSfix(); undoIEfix(); unsetAriaHidden(); } removeBodyClasses(); } function removeBodyClasses() { removeClass([document.documentElement, document.body], [swalClasses.shown, swalClasses['height-auto'], swalClasses['no-backdrop'], swalClasses['toast-shown'], swalClasses['toast-column']]); } function close(resolveValue) { var popup = getPopup(); if (!popup) { return; } var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(this); if (!innerParams || hasClass(popup, innerParams.hideClass.popup)) { return; } var swalPromiseResolve = privateMethods.swalPromiseResolve.get(this); removeClass(popup, innerParams.showClass.popup); addClass(popup, innerParams.hideClass.popup); var backdrop = getContainer(); removeClass(backdrop, innerParams.showClass.backdrop); addClass(backdrop, innerParams.hideClass.backdrop); handlePopupAnimation(this, popup, innerParams); // Resolve Swal promise swalPromiseResolve(resolveValue || {}); } var handlePopupAnimation = function handlePopupAnimation(instance, popup, innerParams) { var container = getContainer(); // If animation is supported, animate var animationIsSupported = animationEndEvent && hasCssAnimation(popup); var onClose = innerParams.onClose, onAfterClose = innerParams.onAfterClose; if (onClose !== null && typeof onClose === 'function') { onClose(popup); } if (animationIsSupported) { animatePopup(instance, popup, container, onAfterClose); } else { // Otherwise, remove immediately removePopupAndResetState(instance, container, isToast(), onAfterClose); } }; var animatePopup = function animatePopup(instance, popup, container, onAfterClose) { globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback = removePopupAndResetState.bind(null, instance, container, isToast(), onAfterClose); popup.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, function (e) { if (e.target === popup) { globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback(); delete globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback; } }); }; var triggerOnAfterCloseAndDispose = function triggerOnAfterCloseAndDispose(instance, onAfterClose) { setTimeout(function () { if (typeof onAfterClose === 'function') { onAfterClose(); } instance._destroy(); }); }; function setButtonsDisabled(instance, buttons, disabled) { var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(instance); buttons.forEach(function (button) { domCache[button].disabled = disabled; }); } function setInputDisabled(input, disabled) { if (!input) { return false; } if (input.type === 'radio') { var radiosContainer = input.parentNode.parentNode; var radios = radiosContainer.querySelectorAll('input'); for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) { radios[i].disabled = disabled; } } else { input.disabled = disabled; } } function enableButtons() { setButtonsDisabled(this, ['confirmButton', 'cancelButton'], false); } function disableButtons() { setButtonsDisabled(this, ['confirmButton', 'cancelButton'], true); } function enableInput() { return setInputDisabled(this.getInput(), false); } function disableInput() { return setInputDisabled(this.getInput(), true); } function showValidationMessage(error) { var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(this); domCache.validationMessage.innerHTML = error; var popupComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(domCache.popup); domCache.validationMessage.style.marginLeft = "-".concat(popupComputedStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-left')); domCache.validationMessage.style.marginRight = "-".concat(popupComputedStyle.getPropertyValue('padding-right')); show(domCache.validationMessage); var input = this.getInput(); if (input) { input.setAttribute('aria-invalid', true); input.setAttribute('aria-describedBy', swalClasses['validation-message']); focusInput(input); addClass(input, swalClasses.inputerror); } } // Hide block with validation message function resetValidationMessage$1() { var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(this); if (domCache.validationMessage) { hide(domCache.validationMessage); } var input = this.getInput(); if (input) { input.removeAttribute('aria-invalid'); input.removeAttribute('aria-describedBy'); removeClass(input, swalClasses.inputerror); } } function getProgressSteps$1() { var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(this); return domCache.progressSteps; } var Timer = /*#__PURE__*/ function () { function Timer(callback, delay) { _classCallCheck(this, Timer); this.callback = callback; this.remaining = delay; this.running = false; this.start(); } _createClass(Timer, [{ key: "start", value: function start() { if (!this.running) { this.running = true; this.started = new Date(); this.id = setTimeout(this.callback, this.remaining); } return this.remaining; } }, { key: "stop", value: function stop() { if (this.running) { this.running = false; clearTimeout(this.id); this.remaining -= new Date() - this.started; } return this.remaining; } }, { key: "increase", value: function increase(n) { var running = this.running; if (running) { this.stop(); } this.remaining += n; if (running) { this.start(); } return this.remaining; } }, { key: "getTimerLeft", value: function getTimerLeft() { if (this.running) { this.stop(); this.start(); } return this.remaining; } }, { key: "isRunning", value: function isRunning() { return this.running; } }]); return Timer; }(); var defaultInputValidators = { email: function email(string, validationMessage) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9.+_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,24}$/.test(string) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.resolve(validationMessage || 'Invalid email address'); }, url: function url(string, validationMessage) { // taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/3809435 with a small change from #1306 return /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,63}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)$/.test(string) ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.resolve(validationMessage || 'Invalid URL'); } }; function setDefaultInputValidators(params) { // Use default `inputValidator` for supported input types if not provided if (!params.inputValidator) { Object.keys(defaultInputValidators).forEach(function (key) { if (params.input === key) { params.inputValidator = defaultInputValidators[key]; } }); } } function validateCustomTargetElement(params) { // Determine if the custom target element is valid if (!params.target || typeof params.target === 'string' && !document.querySelector(params.target) || typeof params.target !== 'string' && !params.target.appendChild) { warn('Target parameter is not valid, defaulting to "body"'); params.target = 'body'; } } /** * Set type, text and actions on popup * * @param params * @returns {boolean} */ function setParameters(params) { setDefaultInputValidators(params); // showLoaderOnConfirm && preConfirm if (params.showLoaderOnConfirm && !params.preConfirm) { warn('showLoaderOnConfirm is set to true, but preConfirm is not defined.\n' + 'showLoaderOnConfirm should be used together with preConfirm, see usage example:\n' + 'https://sweetalert2.github.io/#ajax-request'); } // params.animation will be actually used in renderPopup.js // but in case when params.animation is a function, we need to call that function // before popup (re)initialization, so it'll be possible to check Swal.isVisible() // inside the params.animation function params.animation = callIfFunction(params.animation); validateCustomTargetElement(params); // Replace newlines with
in title if (typeof params.title === 'string') { params.title = params.title.split('\n').join('
'); } init(params); } /** * Open popup, add necessary classes and styles, fix scrollbar * * @param {Array} params */ var openPopup = function openPopup(params) { var container = getContainer(); var popup = getPopup(); if (typeof params.onBeforeOpen === 'function') { params.onBeforeOpen(popup); } addClasses$1(container, popup, params); // scrolling is 'hidden' until animation is done, after that 'auto' setScrollingVisibility(container, popup); if (isModal()) { fixScrollContainer(container, params.scrollbarPadding); } if (!isToast() && !globalState.previousActiveElement) { globalState.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement; } if (typeof params.onOpen === 'function') { setTimeout(function () { return params.onOpen(popup); }); } removeClass(container, swalClasses['no-transition']); }; function swalOpenAnimationFinished(event) { var popup = getPopup(); if (event.target !== popup) { return; } var container = getContainer(); popup.removeEventListener(animationEndEvent, swalOpenAnimationFinished); container.style.overflowY = 'auto'; } var setScrollingVisibility = function setScrollingVisibility(container, popup) { if (animationEndEvent && hasCssAnimation(popup)) { container.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; popup.addEventListener(animationEndEvent, swalOpenAnimationFinished); } else { container.style.overflowY = 'auto'; } }; var fixScrollContainer = function fixScrollContainer(container, scrollbarPadding) { iOSfix(); IEfix(); setAriaHidden(); if (scrollbarPadding) { fixScrollbar(); } // sweetalert2/issues/1247 setTimeout(function () { container.scrollTop = 0; }); }; var addClasses$1 = function addClasses(container, popup, params) { addClass(container, params.showClass.backdrop); show(popup); // Animate popup right after showing it addClass(popup, params.showClass.popup); addClass([document.documentElement, document.body], swalClasses.shown); if (params.heightAuto && params.backdrop && !params.toast) { addClass([document.documentElement, document.body], swalClasses['height-auto']); } }; var handleInputOptionsAndValue = function handleInputOptionsAndValue(instance, params) { if (params.input === 'select' || params.input === 'radio') { handleInputOptions(instance, params); } else if (['text', 'email', 'number', 'tel', 'textarea'].indexOf(params.input) !== -1 && isPromise(params.inputValue)) { handleInputValue(instance, params); } }; var getInputValue = function getInputValue(instance, innerParams) { var input = instance.getInput(); if (!input) { return null; } switch (innerParams.input) { case 'checkbox': return getCheckboxValue(input); case 'radio': return getRadioValue(input); case 'file': return getFileValue(input); default: return innerParams.inputAutoTrim ? input.value.trim() : input.value; } }; var getCheckboxValue = function getCheckboxValue(input) { return input.checked ? 1 : 0; }; var getRadioValue = function getRadioValue(input) { return input.checked ? input.value : null; }; var getFileValue = function getFileValue(input) { return input.files.length ? input.getAttribute('multiple') !== null ? input.files : input.files[0] : null; }; var handleInputOptions = function handleInputOptions(instance, params) { var content = getContent(); var processInputOptions = function processInputOptions(inputOptions) { return populateInputOptions[params.input](content, formatInputOptions(inputOptions), params); }; if (isPromise(params.inputOptions)) { showLoading(); params.inputOptions.then(function (inputOptions) { instance.hideLoading(); processInputOptions(inputOptions); }); } else if (_typeof(params.inputOptions) === 'object') { processInputOptions(params.inputOptions); } else { error("Unexpected type of inputOptions! Expected object, Map or Promise, got ".concat(_typeof(params.inputOptions))); } }; var handleInputValue = function handleInputValue(instance, params) { var input = instance.getInput(); hide(input); params.inputValue.then(function (inputValue) { input.value = params.input === 'number' ? parseFloat(inputValue) || 0 : "".concat(inputValue); show(input); input.focus(); instance.hideLoading(); })["catch"](function (err) { error("Error in inputValue promise: ".concat(err)); input.value = ''; show(input); input.focus(); instance.hideLoading(); }); }; var populateInputOptions = { select: function select(content, inputOptions, params) { var select = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.select); inputOptions.forEach(function (inputOption) { var optionValue = inputOption[0]; var optionLabel = inputOption[1]; var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = optionValue; option.innerHTML = optionLabel; if (params.inputValue.toString() === optionValue.toString()) { option.selected = true; } select.appendChild(option); }); select.focus(); }, radio: function radio(content, inputOptions, params) { var radio = getChildByClass(content, swalClasses.radio); inputOptions.forEach(function (inputOption) { var radioValue = inputOption[0]; var radioLabel = inputOption[1]; var radioInput = document.createElement('input'); var radioLabelElement = document.createElement('label'); radioInput.type = 'radio'; radioInput.name = swalClasses.radio; radioInput.value = radioValue; if (params.inputValue.toString() === radioValue.toString()) { radioInput.checked = true; } var label = document.createElement('span'); label.innerHTML = radioLabel; label.className = swalClasses.label; radioLabelElement.appendChild(radioInput); radioLabelElement.appendChild(label); radio.appendChild(radioLabelElement); }); var radios = radio.querySelectorAll('input'); if (radios.length) { radios[0].focus(); } } }; /** * Converts `inputOptions` into an array of `[value, label]`s * @param inputOptions */ var formatInputOptions = function formatInputOptions(inputOptions) { var result = []; if (typeof Map !== 'undefined' && inputOptions instanceof Map) { inputOptions.forEach(function (value, key) { result.push([key, value]); }); } else { Object.keys(inputOptions).forEach(function (key) { result.push([key, inputOptions[key]]); }); } return result; }; var handleConfirmButtonClick = function handleConfirmButtonClick(instance, innerParams) { instance.disableButtons(); if (innerParams.input) { handleConfirmWithInput(instance, innerParams); } else { confirm(instance, innerParams, true); } }; var handleCancelButtonClick = function handleCancelButtonClick(instance, dismissWith) { instance.disableButtons(); dismissWith(DismissReason.cancel); }; var handleConfirmWithInput = function handleConfirmWithInput(instance, innerParams) { var inputValue = getInputValue(instance, innerParams); if (innerParams.inputValidator) { instance.disableInput(); var validationPromise = Promise.resolve().then(function () { return innerParams.inputValidator(inputValue, innerParams.validationMessage); }); validationPromise.then(function (validationMessage) { instance.enableButtons(); instance.enableInput(); if (validationMessage) { instance.showValidationMessage(validationMessage); } else { confirm(instance, innerParams, inputValue); } }); } else if (!instance.getInput().checkValidity()) { instance.enableButtons(); instance.showValidationMessage(innerParams.validationMessage); } else { confirm(instance, innerParams, inputValue); } }; var succeedWith = function succeedWith(instance, value) { instance.closePopup({ value: value }); }; var confirm = function confirm(instance, innerParams, value) { if (innerParams.showLoaderOnConfirm) { showLoading(); // TODO: make showLoading an *instance* method } if (innerParams.preConfirm) { instance.resetValidationMessage(); var preConfirmPromise = Promise.resolve().then(function () { return innerParams.preConfirm(value, innerParams.validationMessage); }); preConfirmPromise.then(function (preConfirmValue) { if (isVisible(getValidationMessage()) || preConfirmValue === false) { instance.hideLoading(); } else { succeedWith(instance, typeof preConfirmValue === 'undefined' ? value : preConfirmValue); } }); } else { succeedWith(instance, value); } }; var addKeydownHandler = function addKeydownHandler(instance, globalState, innerParams, dismissWith) { if (globalState.keydownTarget && globalState.keydownHandlerAdded) { globalState.keydownTarget.removeEventListener('keydown', globalState.keydownHandler, { capture: globalState.keydownListenerCapture }); globalState.keydownHandlerAdded = false; } if (!innerParams.toast) { globalState.keydownHandler = function (e) { return keydownHandler(instance, e, dismissWith); }; globalState.keydownTarget = innerParams.keydownListenerCapture ? window : getPopup(); globalState.keydownListenerCapture = innerParams.keydownListenerCapture; globalState.keydownTarget.addEventListener('keydown', globalState.keydownHandler, { capture: globalState.keydownListenerCapture }); globalState.keydownHandlerAdded = true; } }; // Focus handling var setFocus = function setFocus(innerParams, index, increment) { var focusableElements = getFocusableElements(); // search for visible elements and select the next possible match for (var i = 0; i < focusableElements.length; i++) { index = index + increment; // rollover to first item if (index === focusableElements.length) { index = 0; // go to last item } else if (index === -1) { index = focusableElements.length - 1; } return focusableElements[index].focus(); } // no visible focusable elements, focus the popup getPopup().focus(); }; var arrowKeys = ['ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'Left', 'Right', 'Up', 'Down' // IE11 ]; var escKeys = ['Escape', 'Esc' // IE11 ]; var keydownHandler = function keydownHandler(instance, e, dismissWith) { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); if (innerParams.stopKeydownPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } // ENTER if (e.key === 'Enter') { handleEnter(instance, e, innerParams); // TAB } else if (e.key === 'Tab') { handleTab(e, innerParams); // ARROWS - switch focus between buttons } else if (arrowKeys.indexOf(e.key) !== -1) { handleArrows(); // ESC } else if (escKeys.indexOf(e.key) !== -1) { handleEsc(e, innerParams, dismissWith); } }; var handleEnter = function handleEnter(instance, e, innerParams) { // #720 #721 if (e.isComposing) { return; } if (e.target && instance.getInput() && e.target.outerHTML === instance.getInput().outerHTML) { if (['textarea', 'file'].indexOf(innerParams.input) !== -1) { return; // do not submit } clickConfirm(); e.preventDefault(); } }; var handleTab = function handleTab(e, innerParams) { var targetElement = e.target; var focusableElements = getFocusableElements(); var btnIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < focusableElements.length; i++) { if (targetElement === focusableElements[i]) { btnIndex = i; break; } } if (!e.shiftKey) { // Cycle to the next button setFocus(innerParams, btnIndex, 1); } else { // Cycle to the prev button setFocus(innerParams, btnIndex, -1); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }; var handleArrows = function handleArrows() { var confirmButton = getConfirmButton(); var cancelButton = getCancelButton(); // focus Cancel button if Confirm button is currently focused if (document.activeElement === confirmButton && isVisible(cancelButton)) { cancelButton.focus(); // and vice versa } else if (document.activeElement === cancelButton && isVisible(confirmButton)) { confirmButton.focus(); } }; var handleEsc = function handleEsc(e, innerParams, dismissWith) { if (callIfFunction(innerParams.allowEscapeKey)) { e.preventDefault(); dismissWith(DismissReason.esc); } }; var handlePopupClick = function handlePopupClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith) { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); if (innerParams.toast) { handleToastClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith); } else { // Ignore click events that had mousedown on the popup but mouseup on the container // This can happen when the user drags a slider handleModalMousedown(domCache); // Ignore click events that had mousedown on the container but mouseup on the popup handleContainerMousedown(domCache); handleModalClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith); } }; var handleToastClick = function handleToastClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith) { // Closing toast by internal click domCache.popup.onclick = function () { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); if (innerParams.showConfirmButton || innerParams.showCancelButton || innerParams.showCloseButton || innerParams.input) { return; } dismissWith(DismissReason.close); }; }; var ignoreOutsideClick = false; var handleModalMousedown = function handleModalMousedown(domCache) { domCache.popup.onmousedown = function () { domCache.container.onmouseup = function (e) { domCache.container.onmouseup = undefined; // We only check if the mouseup target is the container because usually it doesn't // have any other direct children aside of the popup if (e.target === domCache.container) { ignoreOutsideClick = true; } }; }; }; var handleContainerMousedown = function handleContainerMousedown(domCache) { domCache.container.onmousedown = function () { domCache.popup.onmouseup = function (e) { domCache.popup.onmouseup = undefined; // We also need to check if the mouseup target is a child of the popup if (e.target === domCache.popup || domCache.popup.contains(e.target)) { ignoreOutsideClick = true; } }; }; }; var handleModalClick = function handleModalClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith) { domCache.container.onclick = function (e) { var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(instance); if (ignoreOutsideClick) { ignoreOutsideClick = false; return; } if (e.target === domCache.container && callIfFunction(innerParams.allowOutsideClick)) { dismissWith(DismissReason.backdrop); } }; }; function _main(userParams) { showWarningsForParams(userParams); if (globalState.currentInstance) { globalState.currentInstance._destroy(); } globalState.currentInstance = this; var innerParams = prepareParams(userParams); setParameters(innerParams); Object.freeze(innerParams); // clear the previous timer if (globalState.timeout) { globalState.timeout.stop(); delete globalState.timeout; } // clear the restore focus timeout clearTimeout(globalState.restoreFocusTimeout); var domCache = populateDomCache(this); render(this, innerParams); privateProps.innerParams.set(this, innerParams); return swalPromise(this, domCache, innerParams); } var prepareParams = function prepareParams(userParams) { var showClass = _extends({}, defaultParams.showClass, userParams.showClass); var hideClass = _extends({}, defaultParams.hideClass, userParams.hideClass); var params = _extends({}, defaultParams, userParams); params.showClass = showClass; params.hideClass = hideClass; // @deprecated if (userParams.animation === false) { params.showClass = { popup: '', backdrop: 'swal2-backdrop-show swal2-noanimation' }; params.hideClass = {}; } return params; }; var swalPromise = function swalPromise(instance, domCache, innerParams) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { // functions to handle all closings/dismissals var dismissWith = function dismissWith(dismiss) { instance.closePopup({ dismiss: dismiss }); }; privateMethods.swalPromiseResolve.set(instance, resolve); setupTimer(globalState, innerParams, dismissWith); domCache.confirmButton.onclick = function () { return handleConfirmButtonClick(instance, innerParams); }; domCache.cancelButton.onclick = function () { return handleCancelButtonClick(instance, dismissWith); }; domCache.closeButton.onclick = function () { return dismissWith(DismissReason.close); }; handlePopupClick(instance, domCache, dismissWith); addKeydownHandler(instance, globalState, innerParams, dismissWith); if (innerParams.toast && (innerParams.input || innerParams.footer || innerParams.showCloseButton)) { addClass(document.body, swalClasses['toast-column']); } else { removeClass(document.body, swalClasses['toast-column']); } handleInputOptionsAndValue(instance, innerParams); openPopup(innerParams); initFocus(domCache, innerParams); // Scroll container to top on open (#1247) domCache.container.scrollTop = 0; }); }; var populateDomCache = function populateDomCache(instance) { var domCache = { popup: getPopup(), container: getContainer(), content: getContent(), actions: getActions(), confirmButton: getConfirmButton(), cancelButton: getCancelButton(), closeButton: getCloseButton(), validationMessage: getValidationMessage(), progressSteps: getProgressSteps() }; privateProps.domCache.set(instance, domCache); return domCache; }; var setupTimer = function setupTimer(globalState$$1, innerParams, dismissWith) { var timerProgressBar = getTimerProgressBar(); hide(timerProgressBar); if (innerParams.timer) { globalState$$1.timeout = new Timer(function () { dismissWith('timer'); delete globalState$$1.timeout; }, innerParams.timer); if (innerParams.timerProgressBar) { show(timerProgressBar); setTimeout(function () { if (globalState$$1.timeout.running) { // timer can be already stopped at this point animateTimerProgressBar(innerParams.timer); } }); } } }; var initFocus = function initFocus(domCache, innerParams) { if (innerParams.toast) { return; } if (!callIfFunction(innerParams.allowEnterKey)) { return blurActiveElement(); } if (innerParams.focusCancel && isVisible(domCache.cancelButton)) { return domCache.cancelButton.focus(); } if (innerParams.focusConfirm && isVisible(domCache.confirmButton)) { return domCache.confirmButton.focus(); } setFocus(innerParams, -1, 1); }; var blurActiveElement = function blurActiveElement() { if (document.activeElement && typeof document.activeElement.blur === 'function') { document.activeElement.blur(); } }; /** * Updates popup parameters. */ function update(params) { var popup = getPopup(); var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(this); if (!popup || hasClass(popup, innerParams.hideClass.popup)) { return warn("You're trying to update the closed or closing popup, that won't work. Use the update() method in preConfirm parameter or show a new popup."); } var validUpdatableParams = {}; // assign valid params from `params` to `defaults` Object.keys(params).forEach(function (param) { if (Swal.isUpdatableParameter(param)) { validUpdatableParams[param] = params[param]; } else { warn("Invalid parameter to update: \"".concat(param, "\". Updatable params are listed here: https://github.com/sweetalert2/sweetalert2/blob/master/src/utils/params.js")); } }); var updatedParams = _extends({}, innerParams, validUpdatableParams); render(this, updatedParams); privateProps.innerParams.set(this, updatedParams); Object.defineProperties(this, { params: { value: _extends({}, this.params, params), writable: false, enumerable: true } }); } function _destroy() { var domCache = privateProps.domCache.get(this); var innerParams = privateProps.innerParams.get(this); if (!innerParams) { return; // This instance has already been destroyed } // Check if there is another Swal closing if (domCache.popup && globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback) { globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback(); delete globalState.swalCloseEventFinishedCallback; } // Check if there is a swal disposal defer timer if (globalState.deferDisposalTimer) { clearTimeout(globalState.deferDisposalTimer); delete globalState.deferDisposalTimer; } if (typeof innerParams.onDestroy === 'function') { innerParams.onDestroy(); } disposeSwal(this); } var disposeSwal = function disposeSwal(instance) { // Unset this.params so GC will dispose it (#1569) delete instance.params; // Unset globalState props so GC will dispose globalState (#1569) delete globalState.keydownHandler; delete globalState.keydownTarget; // Unset WeakMaps so GC will be able to dispose them (#1569) unsetWeakMaps(privateProps); unsetWeakMaps(privateMethods); }; var unsetWeakMaps = function unsetWeakMaps(obj) { for (var i in obj) { obj[i] = new WeakMap(); } }; var instanceMethods = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ hideLoading: hideLoading, disableLoading: hideLoading, getInput: getInput$1, close: close, closePopup: close, closeModal: close, closeToast: close, enableButtons: enableButtons, disableButtons: disableButtons, enableInput: enableInput, disableInput: disableInput, showValidationMessage: showValidationMessage, resetValidationMessage: resetValidationMessage$1, getProgressSteps: getProgressSteps$1, _main: _main, update: update, _destroy: _destroy }); var currentInstance; // SweetAlert constructor function SweetAlert() { // Prevent run in Node env /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof window === 'undefined') { return; } // Check for the existence of Promise /* istanbul ignore if */ if (typeof Promise === 'undefined') { error('This package requires a Promise library, please include a shim to enable it in this browser (See: https://github.com/sweetalert2/sweetalert2/wiki/Migration-from-SweetAlert-to-SweetAlert2#1-ie-support)'); } currentInstance = this; for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var outerParams = Object.freeze(this.constructor.argsToParams(args)); Object.defineProperties(this, { params: { value: outerParams, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true } }); var promise = this._main(this.params); privateProps.promise.set(this, promise); } // `catch` cannot be the name of a module export, so we define our thenable methods here instead SweetAlert.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled) { var promise = privateProps.promise.get(this); return promise.then(onFulfilled); }; SweetAlert.prototype["finally"] = function (onFinally) { var promise = privateProps.promise.get(this); return promise["finally"](onFinally); }; // Assign instance methods from src/instanceMethods/*.js to prototype _extends(SweetAlert.prototype, instanceMethods); // Assign static methods from src/staticMethods/*.js to constructor _extends(SweetAlert, staticMethods); // Proxy to instance methods to constructor, for now, for backwards compatibility Object.keys(instanceMethods).forEach(function (key) { SweetAlert[key] = function () { if (currentInstance) { var _currentInstance; return (_currentInstance = currentInstance)[key].apply(_currentInstance, arguments); } }; }); SweetAlert.DismissReason = DismissReason; SweetAlert.version = '9.8.2'; var Swal = SweetAlert; Swal["default"] = Swal; return Swal; })); if (typeof this !== 'undefined' && this.Sweetalert2){ this.swal = this.sweetAlert = this.Swal = this.SweetAlert = this.Sweetalert2}