@@ -3143,6 +3143,10 @@ int32 WorldDatabase::ProcessSpawnLocations(ZoneServer* zone, const char* sql_que
entry->respawn = atoul(row[11]);
entry->expire_time = atoul(row[14]);
entry->expire_offset = atoul(row[15]);
+ //devn00b add stat overrides
+ entry->lvl_override = atoul(row[19]);
+ entry->hp_override = atoul(row[20]);
+ entry->mp_override = atoul(row[21]);
spawn_location->x = atof(row[2]);
spawn_location->y = atof(row[3]);
spawn_location->z = atof(row[4]);
@@ -3193,11 +3197,11 @@ void WorldDatabase::LoadSpawns(ZoneServer* zone)
LogWrite(SPAWN__TRACE, 0, "Spawn", "Enter LoadSpawns");
- npcs = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_npcs sn where sn.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_NPC);
- objects = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_objects so where so.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_OBJECT);
- widgets = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_widgets sw where sw.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_WIDGET);
- signs = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_signs ss where ss.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIGN);
- ground_spawns = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_ground sg where sg.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_GROUNDSPAWN);
+ npcs = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition, slp.lvl_override, slp.hp_override, slp.mp_override FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_npcs sn where sn.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_NPC);
+ objects = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition, slp.lvl_override, slp.hp_override, slp.mp_override FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_objects so where so.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_OBJECT);
+ widgets = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition, slp.lvl_override, slp.hp_override, slp.mp_override FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_widgets sw where sw.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_WIDGET);
+ signs = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition, slp.lvl_override, slp.hp_override, slp.mp_override FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_signs ss where ss.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_SIGN);
+ ground_spawns = ProcessSpawnLocations(zone, "SELECT sln.id, sle.id, slp.x, slp.y, slp.z, slp.x_offset, slp.y_offset, slp.z_offset, slp.heading, sle.spawn_id, sle.spawnpercentage, slp.respawn, slp.grid_id, slp.id, slp.expire_timer, slp.expire_offset, slp.pitch, slp.roll, sle.condition, slp.lvl_override, slp.hp_override, slp.mp_override FROM spawn_location_placement slp, spawn_location_name sln, spawn_location_entry sle, spawn_ground sg where sg.spawn_id = sle.spawn_id and sln.id = sle.spawn_location_id and sln.id = slp.spawn_location_id and slp.zone_id=%i ORDER BY sln.id, sle.id", SPAWN_ENTRY_TYPE_GROUNDSPAWN);
spawn_groups = LoadSpawnLocationGroups(zone);
spawn_group_associations = LoadSpawnLocationGroupAssociations(zone);
spawn_group_chances = LoadSpawnGroupChances(zone);