#3 Open a second world server while first is running causes crash

abierta hace 4 años por image · 2 comentarios
image comentado hace 4 años

Not a clear error message that it can't get started, we seem to crash during loading DB (possibly bringing up the port) yet no error can be seen

Not a clear error message that it can't get started, we seem to crash during loading DB (possibly bringing up the port) yet no error can be seen
image comentado hace 4 años

Might be an old windows bug..: https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/432552-winsock-bug/

We are crashing in the EQStreamFactory::Open on bind failing and closesocket / close

Might be an old windows bug..: https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/432552-winsock-bug/ We are crashing in the EQStreamFactory::Open on bind failing and closesocket / close
LethalEncounter comentado hace 3 años

Fixed. It will gracefully exit now if port is in use

Fixed. It will gracefully exit now if port is in use
image mencionada esta incidencia en un commit hace 2 años
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