#3 Open a second world server while first is running causes crash

Créé il y a 4 ans par image · 2 commentaires
image a commenté il y a 4 ans

Not a clear error message that it can't get started, we seem to crash during loading DB (possibly bringing up the port) yet no error can be seen

Not a clear error message that it can't get started, we seem to crash during loading DB (possibly bringing up the port) yet no error can be seen
image a commenté il y a 4 ans

Might be an old windows bug..: https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/432552-winsock-bug/

We are crashing in the EQStreamFactory::Open on bind failing and closesocket / close

Might be an old windows bug..: https://www.gamedev.net/forums/topic/432552-winsock-bug/ We are crashing in the EQStreamFactory::Open on bind failing and closesocket / close
LethalEncounter a commenté il y a 3 ans

Fixed. It will gracefully exit now if port is in use

Fixed. It will gracefully exit now if port is in use
image a référencé ce problème à partir d'un commit il y a 2 ans
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