#411 Need a lua function for a currency check

vor 2 Jahren geöffnet von neatz09 · 1 Kommentare
neatz09 kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

example stein of moggok Keep buying him drinks and he'll keep telling the tale (4s) a piece

need function to check if player has proper amount of coin or status

example stein of moggok Keep buying him drinks and he'll keep telling the tale (4s) a piece need function to check if player has proper amount of coin or status
devn00b kommentierte vor 2 Jahren

added HasCoin(Spawn, Coinstocheck) will return 1 if they do 0 if they don't.

Example: HasCoin(Spawn, 1000000)

It will check if you have 100p on you. Returns 1 if you do 0 if you don't.

added HasCoin(Spawn, Coinstocheck) will return 1 if they do 0 if they don't. Example: HasCoin(Spawn, 1000000) It will check if you have 100p on you. Returns 1 if you do 0 if you don't.
devn00b hat dieses Issue vor 2 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
devn00b hat vor 2 Jahren geschlossen
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