#510 need support to allow world server to toggle character creation unlockables

1 年間 前neatz09 によって開かれました · 1 コメント
neatz091 年間 前 にコメントしました
see froglok quest line https://eq2.fanbyte.com/wiki/Froglok_%28EQ2_Character_Race%29
image1 年間 前 にコメントしました

this is two fold we need personal account unlockables and we also need server unlockables

so we need to pass along a set of server rules and let the login server send the right class/race listing based on that set of rules

we also need to support the character in the same respect..

this is two fold we need personal account unlockables and we also need server unlockables so we need to pass along a set of server rules and let the login server send the right class/race listing based on that set of rules we also need to support the character in the same respect..
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