EnchantedLands.lua 5.8 KB

  1. --[[
  2. Script Name : EnchantedLands.lua
  3. Script Purpose :
  4. Script Author : Neatz09
  5. Script Date : 6/5/2020
  6. Script Notes :
  7. --]]
  8. function init_zone_script(zone)
  9. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -194.83, 3.27, -292.25, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from Docks) 20
  10. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 303.07, 1.17, -244.39, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard (from Docks) 21
  11. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -186.22, -3.31, -605.63, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from Docks) 42
  12. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 157.14, 25.31, -777.63, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from Docks) 45
  13. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -224.39, 23.54, -994.61, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from Docks) 43
  14. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.16, -0.91, -919.14, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from Docks) 44
  15. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 25.89, -1.03, -8.45, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from Rivervale) 22
  16. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 302.76, 1.15, -244.62, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard (from Rivervale) 23
  17. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -186.22, -3.31, -605.63, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from Rivervale) 24
  18. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -224.39, 23.54, -994.61, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from Rivervale) 39
  19. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.16, -0.91, -919.14, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from Rivervale) 40
  20. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 157.14, 25.31, -777.63, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from Rivervale) 41
  21. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 27.56, -0.9, -9.84, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from The Great Guard) 25
  22. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 157.14, 25.31, -777.63, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from The Great Guard) 26
  23. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -196.19, 3.84, -292.89, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from The Great Guard) 27
  24. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -187.62, -3.34, -606.75, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from The Great Guard) 55
  25. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -228.61, 24.39, -995.37, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from The Great Guard) 56
  26. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.17, -0.92, -918.46, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from The Great Guard) 57
  27. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 303.27, 1.16, -244.98, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard (from Goblin Pass) 28
  28. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -228.61, 24.39, -995.37, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from Goblin Pass) 29
  29. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -196.19, 3.84, -292.89, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from Goblin Pass) 58
  30. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -187.62, -3.34, -606.75, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from Goblin Pass) 59
  31. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 27.56, -0.9, -9.84, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from Goblin Pass) 60
  32. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.17, -0.92, -918.46, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from Goblin Pass) 61
  33. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -187.62, -3.34, -606.75, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from Bramblefoot Hills) 30
  34. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.17, -0.92, -918.46, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from Bramblefoot Hills) 31
  35. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 159.66, 25.31, -777.35, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from Bramblefoot Hills) 32
  36. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -195.65, 3.49, -290.81, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from Bramblefoot Hills) 46
  37. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 303.27, 1.16, -244.98, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard (from Bramblefoot Hills) 47
  38. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 27.56, -0.9, -9.84, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from Bramblefoot Hills) 48
  39. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -190.34, -3.69, -607.09, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Chomper's Pond (from Misty Grove) 33
  40. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -224.64, 23.61, -994.24, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from Misty Grove) 34
  41. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -195.65, 3.49, -290.81, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from Misty Grove) 51
  42. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 302.41, 1.11, -246.53, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard(from Misty Grove) 52
  43. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 159.66, 25.31, -777.35, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from Misty Grove) 53
  44. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 25.89, -1.03, -8.45, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from Misty Grove) 54
  45. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -224.39, 23.54, -994.61, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Bramblefoot Hills (from Chomper's Pond) 35
  46. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -604.16, -0.91, -919.14, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Misty Grove (from Chomper's Pond) 36
  47. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 302.41, 1.11, -246.53, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- The Great Guard (from Chomper's Pond) 37
  48. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, -195.65, 3.49, -290.81, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Rivervale (from Chomper's Pond) 38
  49. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 159.66, 25.31, -777.35, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Goblin Pass (from Chomper's Pond) 49
  50. SetLocationProximityFunction(zone, 25.89, -1.03, -8.45, 5, "StableMasters", "Leave") -- Docks (from Chomper's Pond) 50
  51. end
  52. function StableMasters(zone, Spawn)
  53. if IsPlayer(Spawn) and IsOnAutoMount(Spawn) then
  54. EndAutoMount(Spawn)
  55. end
  56. end
  57. function player_entry(zone, player)
  58. end
  59. function enter_location(zone, spawn, grid)
  60. end
  61. function leave_location(zone, spawn, grid)
  62. end
  63. function dawn(zone)
  64. end
  65. function dusk(zone)
  66. end