WorldDatabase.h 27 KB

  1. /*
  2. EQ2Emulator: Everquest II Server Emulator
  3. Copyright (C) 2007 EQ2EMulator Development Team (http://www.eq2emulator.net)
  4. This file is part of EQ2Emulator.
  5. EQ2Emulator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  8. (at your option) any later version.
  9. EQ2Emulator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10. but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  14. along with EQ2Emulator. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
  15. */
  18. #ifdef WIN32
  19. #include <WinSock2.h>
  20. #include <windows.h>
  21. #endif
  22. #include <mysql.h>
  23. #include <string>
  24. #include <vector>
  25. #include <map>
  26. #include <stdio.h>
  27. #include "../common/database.h"
  28. #include "../common/types.h"
  29. #include "../common/MiscFunctions.h"
  30. #include "../common/Mutex.h"
  31. #include "../common/DatabaseNew.h"
  32. #include "client.h"
  33. #include "Object.h"
  34. #include "Widget.h"
  35. #include "Sign.h"
  36. #include "NPC.h"
  37. #include "zoneserver.h"
  38. #include "Collections/Collections.h"
  39. #include "Achievements/Achievements.h"
  40. #include "Recipes/Recipe.h"
  41. #include "../common/PacketStruct.h"
  42. #include "Spells.h"
  43. #include "Titles.h"
  44. #include "Rules/Rules.h"
  45. #include "Languages.h"
  46. #include "World.h"
  47. using namespace std;
  48. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HFHC 0
  49. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HTHC 1
  50. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HFC 2
  51. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HTC 3
  52. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HH 4
  53. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HC1 5
  54. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_HC2 6
  55. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_SC 7
  56. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_EC 8
  57. #define APPEARANCE_HTHC 9
  58. #define APPEARANCE_HFHC 10
  59. #define APPEARANCE_HTC 11
  60. #define APPEARANCE_HFC 12
  61. #define APPEARANCE_HH 13
  62. #define APPEARANCE_HC1 14
  63. #define APPEARANCE_HC2 15
  64. #define APPEARANCE_WC1 16
  65. #define APPEARANCE_WC2 17
  66. #define APPEARANCE_SC 18
  67. #define APPEARANCE_EC 19
  68. #define APPEARANCE_SHIRT 20
  69. #define APPEARANCE_UCC 21
  70. #define APPEARANCE_PANTS 22
  71. #define APPEARANCE_ULC 23
  72. #define APPEARANCE_U9 24
  73. #define APPEARANCE_BODY_SIZE 25
  74. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_WC1 26
  75. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_WC2 27
  76. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_SHIRT 28
  77. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_UCC 29
  78. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_PANTS 30
  79. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_ULC 31
  80. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_U13 32
  81. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_EBT 33
  83. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_NT 35
  84. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_CHINT 36
  85. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_LT 37
  86. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_EART 38
  87. #define APPEARANCE_SOGA_EYET 39
  88. #define APPEARANCE_EBT 40
  89. #define APPEARANCE_CHEEKT 41
  90. #define APPEARANCE_NT 42
  91. #define APPEARANCE_CHINT 43
  92. #define APPEARANCE_EART 44
  93. #define APPEARANCE_EYET 45
  94. #define APPEARANCE_LT 46
  95. #define APPEARANCE_BODY_AGE 47
  96. #define APPEARANCE_MC 48
  97. #define APPEARANCE_SMC 49
  98. #define APPEARANCE_SBS 50
  99. #define APPEARANCE_SBA 51
  100. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_SPEED "modify_speed"
  101. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_FLYMODE "modify_flymode"
  102. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_INVUL "modify_invul"
  103. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_REGIONDEBUG "modify_regiondebug"
  104. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_GMVISION "modify_gmvision"
  105. #define CHAR_PROPERTY_LUADEBUG "modify_luadebug"
  106. #define DB_TYPE_SPELLEFFECTS 1
  108. struct StartingItem{
  109. string type;
  110. int32 item_id;
  111. string creator;
  112. int8 condition;
  113. int8 attuned;
  114. int16 count;
  115. };
  116. struct ClaimItems {
  117. int32 char_id;
  118. int32 item_id;
  119. int8 max_claim;
  120. int8 curr_claim;
  121. int8 one_per_char;
  122. int32 vet_reward_time;
  123. };
  124. class Bot;
  125. class WorldDatabase : public Database {
  126. public:
  127. WorldDatabase();
  128. ~WorldDatabase();
  129. bool ConnectNewDatabase();
  130. void PingNewDB();
  131. string GetZoneName(int32 id);
  132. string GetZoneDescription(int32 id);
  133. int32 LoadCharacterSkills(int32 char_id, Player* player);
  134. void DeleteCharacterSkill(int32 char_id, Skill* skill);
  135. void DeleteCharacterSpell(int32 character_id, int32 spell_id);
  136. int32 LoadCharacterSpells(int32 char_id, Player* player);
  137. int32 LoadItemBlueStats();
  138. void SaveQuickBar(int32 char_id, vector<QuickBarItem*>* quickbar_items);
  139. void SavePlayerSpells(Client* client);
  140. int32 LoadSkills();
  141. void LoadCommandList();
  142. map<int8, vector<MacroData*> >* LoadCharacterMacros(int32 char_id);
  143. void UpdateCharacterMacro(int32 char_id, int8 number, const char* name, int16 icon, vector<string>* updates);
  144. void SaveWorldTime(WorldTime* time);
  145. bool SaveSpawnInfo(Spawn* spawn);
  146. int32 GetNextSpawnIDInZone(int32 zone_id);
  147. bool SaveSpawnEntry(Spawn* spawn, const char* spawn_location_name, int8 percent, float x_offset, float y_offset, float z_offset, bool save_zonespawn = true, bool create_spawnlocation = true);
  148. float GetSpawnLocationPlacementOffsetX(int32 location_id);
  149. float GetSpawnLocationPlacementOffsetY(int32 location_id);
  150. float GetSpawnLocationPlacementOffsetZ(int32 location_id);
  151. int32 GetNextSpawnLocation();
  152. bool CreateNewSpawnLocation(int32 id, const char* name);
  153. bool RemoveSpawnFromSpawnLocation(Spawn* spawn);
  154. int32 GetSpawnLocationCount(int32 location, Spawn* spawn = 0);
  155. vector<string>* GetSpawnNameList(const char* in_name);
  156. void LoadSubCommandList();
  157. void LoadGlobalVariables();
  158. void UpdateVitality(int32 timestamp, float amount);
  159. void SaveVariable(const char* name, const char* value, const char* comment);
  160. void LoadVisualStates();
  161. void LoadAppearanceMasterList();
  162. void Save(Client* client);
  163. void SaveItems(Client* client);
  164. void SaveItem(int32 account_id, int32 char_id, Item* item, const char* type);
  165. void DeleteBuyBack(int32 char_id, int32 item_id, int16 quantity, int32 price);
  166. void LoadBuyBacks(Client* client);
  167. void SaveBuyBacks(Client* client);
  168. void SaveBuyBack(int32 char_id, int32 item_id, int16 quantity, int32 price);
  169. void DeleteItem(int32 char_id, Item* item, const char* type);
  170. void SaveCharacterColors(int32 char_id, const char* type, EQ2_Color color);
  171. void SaveCharacterFloats(int32 char_id, const char* type, float float1, float float2, float float3, float multiplier = 100.0f);
  172. int16 GetAppearanceID(string name);
  173. vector<int16>* GetAppearanceIDsLikeName(string name, bool filtered = true);
  174. string GetAppearanceName(int16 appearance_id);
  175. void UpdateRandomize(int32 spawn_id, sint32 value);
  176. int32 SaveCharacter(PacketStruct* create, int32 loginID);
  177. int32 LoadNPCAppearanceEquipmentData(ZoneServer* zone);
  178. void SaveNPCAppearanceEquipment(int32 spawn_id, int8 slot_id, int16 type, int8 red=0, int8 green=0, int8 blue=0, int8 hred=0, int8 hgreen=0, int8 hblue=0);
  179. void LoadSpecialZones();
  180. void SaveCharacterSkills(Client* client);
  181. void SaveCharacterQuests(Client* client);
  182. void SaveCharacterQuestProgress(Client* client, Quest* quest);
  183. void DeleteCharacterQuest(int32 quest_id, int32 char_id, bool repeated_quest = false);
  184. void LoadCharacterQuests(Client* client);
  185. void LoadPlayerAA(Player *player);
  186. void LoadCharacterQuestProgress(Client* client);
  187. void LoadCharacterFriendsIgnoreList(Player* player);
  188. void LoadZoneInfo(ZoneServer* zone);
  189. void LoadZoneInfo(ZoneInfo* zone_info);
  190. int32 GetZoneID(const char* name);
  191. void SaveZoneInfo(int32 zone_id, const char* field, sint32 value);
  192. void SaveZoneInfo(int32 zone_id, const char* field, float value);
  193. void SaveZoneInfo(int32 zone_id, const char* field, const char* value);
  194. bool GetZoneRequirements(const char* zoneName,sint16* minStatus, int16* minLevel, int16* maxLevel, int16* minVersion);
  195. int16 GetMinimumClientVersion(int8 expansion_id);
  196. string GetExpansionIDByVersion(int16 version);
  197. int32 CheckTableVersions(char* tablename);
  198. bool RunDatabaseQueries(TableQuery* queries, bool output_result = true, bool data = false);
  199. void UpdateTableVersion(char* name, int32 version);
  200. void UpdateDataTableVersion(char* name, int32 version);
  201. void UpdateStartingFactions(int32 char_id, int8 choice);
  202. string GetStartingZoneName(int8 choice);
  203. void UpdateStartingZone(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id, PacketStruct* create);
  204. void UpdateStartingItems(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id, bool base_class = false);
  205. void UpdateStartingSkills(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id);
  206. void UpdateStartingSpells(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id);
  207. void UpdateStartingSkillbar(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id);
  208. void UpdateStartingTitles(int32 char_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id, int8 gender_id);
  209. bool UpdateSpawnLocationSpawns(Spawn* spawn);
  210. bool UpdateSpawnWidget(int32 widget_id, char* query);
  211. bool CheckVersionTable();
  212. void LoadFactionAlliances();
  213. void LoadFactionList();
  214. bool LoadPlayerFactions(Client* client);
  215. void SavePlayerFactions(Client* client);
  216. bool VerifyFactionID(int32 char_id, int32 faction_id);
  217. void LoadSpawnScriptData();
  218. void LoadZoneScriptData();
  219. int32 LoadSpellScriptData();
  220. bool UpdateSpawnScriptData(int32 spawn_id, int32 spawn_location_id, int32 spawnentry_id, const char* name);
  221. map<int32, string>* GetZoneList(const char* name, bool is_admin = false);
  222. bool VerifyZone(const char* name);
  223. int8 GetInstanceTypeByZoneID(int32 zoneID);
  224. /*void loadNPCAppearance(int32 appearance_id);
  225. void LoadNPCAppearances();*/
  226. void ResetDatabase();
  227. void EnableConstraints();
  228. void DisableConstraints();
  229. int32 SaveCombinedSpawnLocation(ZoneServer* zone, Spawn* spawn, const char* name);
  230. int32 ProcessSpawnLocations(ZoneServer* zone, const char* sql_query, int8 type);
  231. int32 LoadSpawnLocationGroupAssociations(ZoneServer* zone);
  232. int32 LoadSpawnLocationGroups(ZoneServer* zone);
  233. int32 LoadSpawnGroupChances(ZoneServer* zone);
  234. bool SpawnGroupAddAssociation(int32 group1, int32 group2);
  235. bool SpawnGroupRemoveAssociation(int32 group1, int32 group2);
  236. bool SpawnGroupAddSpawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 group_id);
  237. bool SpawnGroupRemoveSpawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 group_id);
  238. int32 CreateSpawnGroup(Spawn* spawn, string name);
  239. void DeleteSpawnGroup(int32 id);
  240. bool SetGroupSpawnChance(int32 id, float chance);
  241. void LoadGroundSpawnEntries(ZoneServer* zone);
  242. void LoadGroundSpawnItems(ZoneServer* zone);
  243. void LoadSpawns(ZoneServer* zone);
  244. int8 GetAppearanceType(string type);
  245. void LoadNPCs(ZoneServer* zone);
  246. void LoadSpiritShards(ZoneServer* zone);
  247. int32 LoadAppearances(ZoneServer* zone, Client* client = 0);
  248. int32 LoadNPCSpells();
  249. int32 LoadNPCSkills(ZoneServer* zone);
  250. int32 LoadNPCEquipment(ZoneServer* zone);
  251. void LoadObjects(ZoneServer* zone);
  252. void LoadGroundSpawns(ZoneServer* zone);
  253. void LoadWidgets(ZoneServer* zone);
  254. void LoadSigns(ZoneServer* zone);
  255. void ReloadItemList(int32 item_id = 0);
  256. void LoadItemList(int32 item_id = 0);
  257. int32 LoadItemStats(int32 item_id = 0);
  258. int32 LoadItemModStrings(int32 item_id = 0);
  259. int32 LoadItemAppearances(int32 item_id = 0);
  260. int32 LoadItemLevelOverride(int32 item_id = 0);
  261. int32 LoadItemEffects(int32 item_id = 0);
  262. int32 LoadBookPages(int32 item_id = 0);
  263. int32 LoadNextUniqueItemID();
  264. int32 LoadSkillItems(int32 item_id = 0);
  265. int32 LoadRangeWeapons(int32 item_id = 0);
  266. int32 LoadThrownWeapons(int32 item_id = 0);
  267. int32 LoadBaubles(int32 item_id = 0);
  268. int32 LoadBooks(int32 item_id = 0);
  269. int32 LoadItemsets(int32 item_id = 0);
  270. int32 LoadHouseItem(int32 item_id = 0);
  271. int32 LoadRecipeBookItems(int32 item_id = 0);
  272. int32 LoadArmor(int32 item_id = 0);
  273. int32 LoadAdornments(int32 item_id = 0);
  274. int32 LoadClassifications();
  275. int32 LoadShields(int32 item_id = 0);
  276. int32 LoadBags(int32 item_id = 0);
  277. int32 LoadFoods(int32 item_id = 0);
  278. int32 LoadWeapons(int32 item_id = 0);
  279. int32 LoadRanged();
  280. int32 LoadHouseContainers(int32 item_id = 0);
  281. void LoadBrokerItemStats();
  282. void SaveSignMark(int32 char_id, int32 sign_id, char* char_name, Client* client);
  283. string GetSignMark(int32 char_id, int32 sign_id, char* char_name); // returns the string containing the character name
  284. map<int32, vector<LevelArray*> >* LoadSpellClasses();
  285. void LoadTransporters(ZoneServer* zone);
  286. void LoadTransportMaps(ZoneServer* zone);
  287. void LoadDataFromRow(DatabaseResult *result, Item* item);
  288. void LoadCharacterItemList(int32 account_id, int32 char_id, Player* player, int16);
  289. bool loadCharacter(const char* name, int32 account_id, Client* client);
  290. bool LoadCharacterStats(int32 id, int32 account_id, Client* client);
  291. void LoadCharacterQuestRewards(Client* client);
  292. void LoadCharacterQuestTemporaryRewards(Client* client, int32 quest_id);
  293. bool InsertCharacterStats(int32 character_id, int8 class_id, int8 race_id);
  294. bool UpdateCharacterTimeStamp(int32 account_id, int32 character_id, int32 timestamp);
  295. bool insertCharacterProperty(Client* client, char* propName, char* propValue);
  296. bool loadCharacterProperties(Client* client);
  297. string GetPlayerName(char* name);
  298. int32 GetCharacterTimeStamp(int32 character_id, int32 account_id,bool* char_exists);
  299. int32 GetCharacterTimeStamp(int32 character_id);
  300. sint32 GetLatestDataTableVersion(char* name);
  301. sint16 GetLowestCharacterAdminStatus(int32 account_id);
  302. sint16 GetHighestCharacterAdminStatus(int32 account_id);
  303. sint16 GetCharacterAdminStatus(char* character_name);
  304. sint16 GetCharacterAdminStatus(int32 account_id , int32 char_id);
  305. bool UpdateAdminStatus(char* character_name, sint16 flag);
  306. void LoadMerchantInformation();
  307. void LoadMerchantInventory();
  308. string GetMerchantDescription(int32 merchant_id);
  309. void LoadPlayerStatistics(Player* player, int32 char_id);
  310. void WritePlayerStatistic(Player* player, Statistic* stat);
  311. void LoadServerStatistics();
  312. void WriteServerStatistic(Statistic* stat);
  313. void WriteServerStatistic(int32 stat_id, sint32 stat_value);
  314. void WriteServerStatisticsNeededQueries();
  315. void SavePlayerMail(Mail* mail);
  316. void SavePlayerMail(Client* client);
  317. void LoadPlayerMail(Client* client, bool new_only = false);
  318. void DeletePlayerMail(Mail* mail);
  319. vector<int32>* GetAllPlayerIDs();
  320. void GetPetNames(ZoneServer* zone);
  321. //void LoadMerchantMultipliers();
  322. char* GetCharacterName(int32 character_id);
  323. int8 GetCharacterLevel(int32 character_id);
  324. int16 GetCharacterModelType(int32 character_id);
  325. int8 GetCharacterClass(int32 character_id);
  326. int8 GetCharacterGender(int32 character_id);
  327. int32 GetCharacterID(const char* name);
  328. int32 GetCharacterCurrentZoneID(int32 character_id);
  329. int32 GetCharacterAccountID(int32 character_id);
  330. void LoadEntityCommands(ZoneServer* zone);
  331. void LoadSpells();
  332. void LoadSpellEffects();
  333. void LoadSpellLuaData();
  334. void LoadTraits();
  335. int32 LoadPlayerSkillbar(Client* client);
  336. string GetColumnNames(char* name);
  337. string GetZoneName(char* zone_description);
  338. bool GetItemResultsToClient (Client* client, const char* varSearch, int maxResults=20);
  339. void LoadRevivePoints(vector<RevivePoint*>* revive_points, int32 zone_id);
  340. void SaveBugReport(const char* category, const char* subcategory, const char* causes_crash, const char* reproducible, const char* summary, const char* description, const char* version, const char* player, int32 account_id, const char* spawn_name, int32 spawn_id, int32 zone_id);
  341. void FixBugReport();
  342. int32 LoadQuests();
  343. void LoadQuestDetails(Quest* quest);
  344. bool DeleteCharacter(int32 account_id, int32 character_id);
  345. int32 GetMaxHotBarID();
  346. int8 CheckNameFilter(const char* name, int8 min_length = 4, int8 max_length = 15);
  347. static int32 NextUniqueHotbarID(){
  348. next_id++;
  349. return next_id;
  350. }
  351. void LoadFogInit(string zone, PacketStruct* packet);
  352. static int32 next_id;
  353. void ToggleCharacterOnline();
  354. void ToggleCharacterOnline(Client* client, int8 toggle);
  355. // Zone Instance DB Functions
  356. map<int32,int32>* GetInstanceRemovedSpawns(int32 instance_id, int8 type);
  357. int32 CreateNewInstance(int32 zone_id);
  358. //int32 AddCharacterInstance(int32 char_id, int32 instance_id, int32 grant_reenter_time_left=0, int32 grant_reset_time_left=0, int32 lockout_time=0);
  359. int32 AddCharacterInstance(int32 char_id, int32 instance_id, string zone_name, int8 instance_type, int32 last_success, int32 last_failure, int32 success_lockout, int32 failure_lockout);
  360. bool UpdateCharacterInstanceTimers(int32 char_id, int32 instance_id, int32 lockout_time=0, int32 reset_time=0, int32 reenter_time=0 );
  361. bool UpdateCharacterInstance(int32 char_id, string zone_name, int32 instance_id, int8 type = 0, int32 timestamp = 0);
  362. bool VerifyInstanceID(int32 char_id, int32 instance_id);
  363. bool CheckVectorForValue(vector<int32>* vector, int32 value);
  364. int32 CheckSpawnRemoveInfo(map<int32,int32>* inmap, int32 spawn_location_entry_id);
  365. bool UpdateInstancedSpawnRemoved(int32 spawn_location_entry_id, int32 spawn_type, int32 respawn_time, int32 instance_id );
  366. int32 CreateInstanceSpawnRemoved(int32 spawn_location_entry_id, int32 spawn_type, int32 respawn_time, int32 instance_id );
  367. bool DeleteInstance(int32 instance_id);
  368. bool DeleteInstanceSpawnRemoved(int32 instance_id, int32 spawn_location_entry_id);
  369. bool DeleteCharacterFromInstance(int32 char_id, int32 instance_id);
  370. bool LoadCharacterInstances(Client* client);
  371. //
  372. MutexMap<int32, LoginEquipmentUpdate>* GetEquipmentUpdates();
  373. MutexMap<int32, LoginEquipmentUpdate>* GetEquipmentUpdates(int32 char_id);
  374. void UpdateLoginEquipment();
  375. MutexMap<int32, LoginZoneUpdate>* GetZoneUpdates();
  376. void UpdateLoginZones();
  377. void LoadLocationGrids(ZoneServer* zone);
  378. bool LoadLocationGridLocations(LocationGrid* grid);
  379. int32 CreateLocation(int32 zone_id, int32 grid_id, const char* name, bool include_y);
  380. bool AddLocationPoint(int32 location_id, float x, float y, float z);
  381. bool DeleteLocation(int32 location_id);
  382. bool DeleteLocationPoint(int32 location_point_id);
  383. void ListLocations(Client* client);
  384. void ListLocationPoints(Client* client, int32 location_id);
  385. bool LocationExists(int32 location_id);
  386. bool GetTableVersions(vector<TableVersion *> *table_versions);
  387. bool QueriesFromFile(const char *file);
  388. /* Achievements */
  389. void LoadAchievements();
  390. int32 LoadAchievementRequirements(Achievement *achievement);
  391. int32 LoadAchievementRewards(Achievement *achievement);
  392. void LoadPlayerAchievements(Player *player);
  393. int32 LoadPlayerAchievementsUpdates(Player *player);
  394. int32 LoadPlayerAchievementsUpdateItems(AchievementUpdate *update, int32 player_id);
  395. /* Alternate Advancement */
  396. void LoadAltAdvancements();
  397. void LoadTreeNodes();
  398. /* Collections */
  399. void LoadCollections();
  400. int32 LoadCollectionItems(Collection *collection);
  401. int32 LoadCollectionRewards(Collection *collection);
  402. void LoadPlayerCollections(Player *player);
  403. void LoadPlayerCollectionItems(Player *player, Collection *collection);
  404. void SavePlayerCollections(Client *client);
  405. void SavePlayerCollection(Client *client, Collection *collection);
  406. void SavePlayerCollectionItems(Client *client, Collection *collection);
  407. void SavePlayerCollectionItem(Client *client, Collection *collection, int32 item_id);
  408. /* Commands */
  409. map<int32, string>* GetSpawnTemplateListByName(const char* name);
  410. map<int32, string>* GetSpawnTemplateListByID(int32 location_id);
  411. int32 SaveSpawnTemplate(int32 placement_id, const char* template_name);
  412. bool RemoveSpawnTemplate(int32 template_id);
  413. int32 CreateSpawnFromTemplateByID(Client* client, int32 template_id);
  414. int32 CreateSpawnFromTemplateByName(Client* client, const char* template_name);
  415. bool SaveZoneSafeCoords(int32 zone_id, float x, float y, float z, float heading);
  416. bool SaveSignZoneToCoords(int32 spawn_id, float x, float y, float z, float heading);
  417. /* Guilds */
  418. void LoadGuilds();
  419. int32 LoadGuildMembers(Guild* guild);
  420. void LoadGuildEvents(Guild* guild);
  421. void LoadGuildRanks(Guild* guild);
  422. void LoadGuildEventFilters(Guild* guild);
  423. void LoadGuildPointsHistory(Guild* guild, GuildMember* guild_member);
  424. void LoadGuildRecruiting(Guild* guild);
  425. void SaveGuild(Guild* guild, bool new_guild = false);
  426. void SaveGuildMembers(Guild* guild);
  427. void SaveGuildEvents(Guild* guild);
  428. void SaveGuildRanks(Guild* guild);
  429. void SaveGuildEventFilters(Guild* guild);
  430. void SaveGuildPointsHistory(Guild* guild);
  431. void SaveGuildRecruiting(Guild* guild);
  432. void DeleteGuild(Guild* guild);
  433. void DeleteGuildMember(Guild* guild, int32 character_id);
  434. void DeleteGuildEvent(Guild* guild, int64 event_id);
  435. void DeleteGuildPointHistory(Guild* guild, int32 character_id, PointHistory* point_history);
  436. void ArchiveGuildEvent(Guild* guild, GuildEvent* guild_event);
  437. void SaveHiddenGuildEvent(Guild* guild, GuildEvent* guild_event);
  438. void LoadGuildDefaultRanks(Guild* guild);
  439. void LoadGuildDefaultEventFilters(Guild* guild);
  440. bool AddNewPlayerToServerGuild(int32 account_id, int32 char_id);
  441. int32 GetGuildIDByCharacterID(int32 char_id);
  442. /* Chat */
  443. void LoadChannels();
  444. /* Recipes */
  445. void LoadRecipes();
  446. void LoadRecipeBooks();
  447. void LoadPlayerRecipes(Player *player);
  448. int32 LoadPlayerRecipeBooks(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  449. void SavePlayerRecipeBook(Player* player, int32 recipebook_id);
  450. void LoadRecipeComponents();
  451. void UpdatePlayerRecipe(Player* player, int32 recipe_id, int8 highest_rank);
  452. void SavePlayerRecipe(Player* player, int32 recipe_id);
  453. /* Tradeskills */
  454. void LoadTradeskillEvents();
  455. /* Rules */
  456. void LoadGlobalRuleSet();
  457. void LoadRuleSets(bool reload=false);
  458. void LoadRuleSetDetails(RuleSet *rule_set);
  459. /* Titles */
  460. sint32 AddMasterTitle(const char* titleName, int8 isPrefix = 0);
  461. void LoadTitles();
  462. sint32 LoadCharacterTitles(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  463. sint32 GetCharPrefixIndex(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  464. sint32 GetCharSuffixIndex(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  465. void SaveCharPrefixIndex(sint32 index, int32 char_id);
  466. void SaveCharSuffixIndex(sint32 index, int32 char_id);
  467. sint32 AddCharacterTitle(sint32 index, int32 char_id, Spawn* player);
  468. /* Languages */
  469. void LoadLanguages();
  470. int32 LoadCharacterLanguages(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  471. int16 GetCharacterCurrentLang(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  472. void SaveCharacterCurrentLang(int32 id, int32 char_id, Client *client);
  473. void UpdateStartingLanguage(int32 char_id, uint8 race_id, int32 starting_city=0);
  474. /// <summary>Saves the given language for the given player</summary>
  475. /// <param name='char_id'>Character ID to save the language to</param>
  476. /// <param name='lang_id'>Language ID to save to the character</param>
  477. void SaveCharacterLang(int32 char_id, int32 lang_id);
  478. /* Tradeskills */
  479. /* Character History */
  480. void SaveCharacterHistory(Player* player, int8 type, int8 subtype, int32 value, int32 value2, char* location, int32 event_date);
  481. /* Housing */
  482. void LoadHouseZones();
  483. int64 AddPlayerHouse(int32 char_id, int32 house_id, int32 instance_id, int32 upkeep_due);
  484. void SetHouseUpkeepDue(int32 char_id, int32 house_id, int32 instance_id, int32 upkeep_due);
  485. void RemovePlayerHouse(int32 char_id, int32 house_id);
  486. void UpdateHouseEscrow(int32 house_id, int32 instance_id, int64 amount_coins, int32 amount_status);
  487. void LoadPlayerHouses();
  488. void LoadDeposits(PlayerHouse* house);
  489. void LoadHistory(PlayerHouse* house);
  490. void AddHistory(PlayerHouse* house, char* name, char* reason, int32 timestamp, int64 amount = 0, int32 status = 0, int8 pos_flag = 0);
  491. /* World */
  492. bool CheckBannedIPs(const char* loginIP);
  493. /* Heroic OP */
  494. void LoadHOStarters();
  495. void LoadHOWheel();
  496. /* Claim Items */
  497. void LoadClaimItems(int32 char_id);
  498. int16 CountCharClaimItems(int32 char_id);
  499. vector<ClaimItems> LoadCharacterClaimItems(int32 char_id);
  500. void ClaimItem(int32 char_id, int32 item_id, Client* client);
  501. int32 GetAccountAge(int32 account_id);
  502. /* Race Types */
  503. void LoadRaceTypes();
  504. /* Loot */
  505. void LoadLoot(ZoneServer* zone);
  506. void LoadGlobalLoot(ZoneServer* zone);
  507. bool LoadSpawnLoot(ZoneServer* zone, Spawn* spawn);
  508. void AddLootTableToSpawn(Spawn* spawn, int32 loottable_id);
  509. bool RemoveSpawnLootTable(Spawn* spawn, int32 loottable_id);
  510. void LoadCharacterHistory(int32 char_id, Player *player);
  511. void LoadSpellErrors();
  512. /* Load single spawns */
  513. bool LoadSign(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  514. bool LoadWidget(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  515. bool LoadObject(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  516. bool LoadGroundSpawn(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  517. void LoadGroundSpawnEntry(ZoneServer* zone, int32 entry_id);
  518. void LoadGroundSpawnItems(ZoneServer* zone, int32 entry_id);
  519. bool LoadNPC(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  520. void LoadAppearance(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  521. void LoadNPCAppearanceEquipmentData(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawn_id);
  522. /* Save character Pictures */
  523. /// <summary>Saves the pictures that clients send to the server</summary>
  524. /// <param name='characterID'>The ID of the character</param>
  525. /// <param name='type'>The type of image this is, 0 = paperdoll, 1 = headshot</param>
  526. /// <param name='picture'>The raw png data</param>
  527. void SaveCharacterPicture(int32 characterID, int8 type, uchar* picture, int32 picture_size);
  528. /* Quests */
  529. /// <summary>Updates the given date for the quest in the DB for a repeatable quest</summary>
  530. /// <param name='client'>Client to save the quest for</param>
  531. /// <param name='quest_id'>ID of the quest to save</param>
  532. /// <param name='quest_complete_count'>Number of times the quest has already been completed</param>
  533. void SaveCharRepeatableQuest(Client* client, int32 quest_id, int16 quest_complete_count);
  534. /* Zone Flight Paths */
  535. void LoadZoneFlightPaths(ZoneServer* zone);
  536. void LoadZoneFlightPathLocations(ZoneServer* zone);
  537. /* Character LUA History */
  538. void SaveCharacterLUAHistory(Player* player, int32 event_id, int32 value, int32 value2);
  539. void LoadCharacterLUAHistory(int32 char_id, Player* player);
  540. /* Bots - BotDB.cpp */
  541. int32 CreateNewBot(int32 char_id, string name, int8 race, int8 advClass, int8 gender, int16 model_id, int32& index);
  542. void SaveBotAppearance(Bot* bot);
  543. void SaveBotColors(int32 bot_id, const char* type, EQ2_Color color);
  544. void SaveBotFloats(int32 bot_id, const char* type, float float1, float float2, float float3);
  545. bool LoadBot(int32 char_id, int32 bot_index, Bot* bot);
  546. void LoadBotAppearance(Bot* bot);
  547. void SaveBotItem(int32 bot_id, int32 item_id, int8 slot);
  548. void LoadBotEquipment(Bot* bot);
  549. string GetBotList(int32 char_id);
  550. void DeleteBot(int32 char_id, int32 bot_index);
  551. void SetBotStartingItems(Bot* bot, int8 class_id, int8 race_id);
  552. void LoadTransmuting();
  553. void FindSpell(Client* client, char* findString);
  554. void LoadChestTraps();
  555. bool CheckExpansionFlags(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawnXpackFlag);
  556. bool CheckHolidayFlags(ZoneServer* zone, int32 spawnHolidayFlag);
  557. void GetHouseSpawnInstanceData(ZoneServer* zone, Spawn* spawn);
  558. int32 FindHouseInstanceSpawn(Spawn* spawn);
  559. /* Starting Character Abilities */
  560. void LoadStartingSkills(World* world);
  561. void LoadStartingSpells(World* world);
  562. void LoadVoiceOvers(World* world);
  563. int32 CreateSpiritShard(const char* name, int32 level, int8 race, int8 gender, int8 adventure_class,
  564. int16 model_type, int16 soga_model_type, int16 hair_type, int16 hair_face_type, int16 wing_type,
  565. int16 chest_type, int16 legs_type, int16 soga_hair_type, int16 soga_hair_face_type, int8 hide_hood,
  566. int16 size, int16 collision_radius, int16 action_state, int16 visual_state, int16 mood_state, int16 emote_state,
  567. int16 pos_state, int16 activity_status, char* sub_title, char* prefix_title, char* suffix_title, char* lastname,
  568. float x, float y, float z, float heading, int32 gridid, int32 charid, int32 zoneid, int32 instanceid);
  569. bool DeleteSpiritShard(int32 id);
  570. void LoadCharacterSpellEffects(int32 char_id, Client *client, int8 db_spell_type);
  571. private:
  572. DatabaseNew database_new;
  573. std::map<int32, string> zone_names;
  574. string skills;
  575. int32 max_zonename;
  576. char** zonename_array;
  577. std::map<int32, int8> zone_instance_types;
  578. };
  579. #endif