#223 Percentage based spellheal

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط neatz09 · 1 دیدگاه

a variant of SpellHeal to use percentages rather than whole numbers. this would speed up dev for the vast amount of spells that use this rather than having to write math equations for them all

a variant of SpellHeal to use percentages rather than whole numbers. this would speed up dev for the vast amount of spells that use this rather than having to write math equations for them all
image نظر 3 سال پیش

SpellHealPct(heal_type, percentage, current_value, caster_value, target, crit_mod, no_calc, custom_spell_name)

special changes different from SpellHeal:

  • heal_type = string, "power" / "heal" no longer case sensitive (same with SpellHeal)
  • percentage = float, must be > 0.0f
  • current_value = bool, true (GetHP/GetPower) false (GetTotalHP/GetTotalPower)
  • caster_value = bool, true (Caster HP/Power) false (Target HP/Power)
SpellHealPct(heal_type, percentage, current_value, caster_value, target, crit_mod, no_calc, custom_spell_name) special changes different from SpellHeal: - heal_type = string, "power" / "heal" no longer case sensitive (same with SpellHeal) - percentage = float, must be > 0.0f - current_value = bool, true (GetHP/GetPower) false (GetTotalHP/GetTotalPower) - caster_value = bool, true (Caster HP/Power) false (Target HP/Power)
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